jimi the hero


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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I am rather dissappointed that a few miserable "knocking" types are naysaying jimi's achievements. Whereas in fact we should all celebrate him as a real modern-day hero. I'm a hero as well, as it happens, but I don't like to make too much of it.


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: Dame Jimi

Consider the facts. Jimi has never been seen in a dress, as far as I know. He posts with some knowledge about climbing masts using some complicated apparatus. Has anyone looked to see if he still has any bruising to his leg? In the interests of good taste, or perhaps personal security, I suggest this be done remotely on camera. With all that hi-tech gear on board, he could have easily posted a few items on the forum. Although his navigation may not be entirely spot on (his confusion of Antartica with his planned round the IOW trip was after all deftly turned round by his PR machine into a serious record attempt). He is of similar height. Have we ever seen them together?

I feel we should be told so that we can recognise 'him' for what he is or at least clarify for good that he is indeed a grumpy ol git, or maybe just a distant relative.


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1 Jan 2002
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Well, I think before Jimi posts on this forum he should have all his ramblings edited by someone first >>
What makes you think they're not?


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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Dame Jimi press interview

What kind of influence do you think you can have?

I hope that through what I am doing at the moment, through being fluid about objectives, can show people that other things can be possible, it doesn't always go your way but it can be possible to do something else and still be happy. That's something that I've always believed, so any way I can take that forward let's hope that that's a positive thing.

What are you going to do now?

Right now I'm going to spend less time with my family and just switch my brain on. My brain's been constantly thinking about cooking, washing, homework dusting & hoovering for a really long time so, the one thing I want to do is engage my brain.

How was it to finally get back out the house?
One thing I'm really happy about is that when I left that house, I wasn't sad I wasn't particularly emotional like I was when I got out the car in the last shopping trip, it wasn't as if it was the end with this house. It's not over, they are lots of other hypermarkets out there. I won't be setting off on another shopping trip in the short term because I've just got back from that, but they'll be other shops like Waitrose and Homebase we missed out on Tesco last year so that's definitely something we'll be aiming for

What's the house's personality
She's a brick, She's a house that will not let you down, She has been unbelievably rugged and strong, we've been through a lot together over the last few months.


Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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Short, Fat, Unbelievably ugly, Miserable, Brain dead......

Thank you for that useful and unique insight into the character and appearance of hero no 1. As TCM claims to be a hero too could anyone give a summary of his credentials to complete the scene for me?
Just to be fair and open about this I should declare that I am tall, handsome, cheerful, witty and incredibly popular. For those who have called me "balding" and
" four eyes" I would retort that my cranial solar panel feeds my advanced intellect and I only need glasses for seeing with. I hope this helps.


Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Re: Dame Jimi press interview

Sometimes your posts confuse me but mostly they really confuse me.

[/ QUOTE ]

And why should you be different to everyone else ??

/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Deleted member 478

Re: Sir Jimi

Jimi, it was a nightdress and not a knight dress