Jet ski and jet boat collide at Brighton


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14 Aug 2006
Lagos, Portugal
Solent Coastguard are repeating warnings about the potential dangers of high powered water craft such as jet skis and jet boats after several people are injured in a collision between the Brighton piers today.

The incident happened around lunch time when a jet boat collided with a jet ski, propelling it through the windshield of an anchored speed boat. The driver of the jet ski has an injured arm requiring stitches. Minor injuries were sustained by two people on the speed boat.

The jet ski is owned by a London man in his 30's and the jet boat was hired from Sussex Water Sports.

Solent Coastguard continues to warn all users of personal water craft and speed boats that due to the high speeds capable by these craft, accidents can and do happen very quickly if driven carelessly. Users must keep a sharp look out for other people on the water or swimmers and be sympathetic to other water users.

Source - MCA


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18 Jul 2006
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Last week a 15 year old boy was given a 6 month conditonal discharge and ordered to pay £300 costs after riding a jet ski through Poole Harbour at more than 3 times the speed limit. PHC gave chase at speeds of over 30 knots through the North Channel but could not overtake the boy.
These PWC idiots get off likely compared to fines imposed on speedling motorists.