a fabulous and supremely pointless post, it is indeed the widest post i have ever seen. I'm sure they keep records of this and I'm pleased to note that you have smashed the record by a factor of two or even three, rather than the modern fashion of a measly fraction of a millimetre or a small percentage off the previous record.
This represents a fantastic effort - done without any special equipment, shorebased support or big-money sponsorship - but in the true tradition of simply seeing have far you could take it. Well done.
Will you plan a special homecoming at any particular port to celebrate this achievement?
I had planned to bring this post into Oban but the harbourmaster has told me it is too wide for the entrance channel, so it may be doomed to wander through cyberspace for ever. I cannot begin to tell you how physically and emotionally drained I am by all this sideways scrolling in appalling conditions . . . just operating the mouse is as much as I can manage. Earlier this morning I bruised myself quite badly when I had to go right to the edge of the mousemat again to remove a biscuit crumb that had become jammed there in the appalling conditions I experienced last night. The mouse mat is flatter this morning and I am able to make some reasonable scrolling progress, but I do not . . . [ This post is manoevering with difficulty. ]
Look out for the world's tallest post, coming to a forum near you soon.
This is one of the best posts ive seen, the only one that came near to it had trouble when the end of the sentance broke off in a rather narsty spell check during dictonary trials
I thought that was one of my better atempts. Theres no blinking spell check on this thing, so I just got to bluster on throe it. Still they say a touch of disslexsieeyer makes you a better salerer couse some of those nortycall words you only have to spell fernaticly as hardly anybody nose what the reel way or the meening should be, so lets you consuntrate on the important stuff.
that should keep yer buzy