Is there a way..


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
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Of getting people to stop harping on about how good and serious the forums used to be. Even some article written about a toilet is supposedly better than anything posted nowadays. We don't have yesterday anymore - its gone - if all the serious comments on aspects of boating/sailing had been discussed and there's nothing more to say then fine, but anyone knows that is not the case. Why can't we just get on with what we have and not have to endure constant referrals to what has been?


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4 Jul 2001
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There isn't a problem with none boating stuff being posted, the problem is boating posts get lost in the personal stuff. topics with the latest post should go back to the top and not get relegated by junk. IMHO

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by KevB on Thu Dec 20 12:03:13 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 May 2001
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That we can return to the Good Humoured (Boat Related) banter and serious discussion of before last week....this is not a pop at anyone! it's a plea that we stop all the winges, unfriendly wind-ups and other "negative vibes" that appear to be spoiling our forum....maybe its because we are missing our 'shared' interests because of winter, seasonal commitments or what ever, but please Guys and Girls lets not spoil things for each other....thats all I wanted to say......if you need a whipping boy you can all have a go at me! just start being friendly to each other again!



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11 Dec 2001
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Haven't we had this post before, back in the good old days?

But serously John, don't think anyone's said that the posts were better then or that they shouldn't be repeated now, it's just that if you've been around here for a while, you'll know that Haydn has only ever made two memorable posts, the bog one and one other that I've forgotten.

Don't think anyone ignores a repetitive post, as witnessed by frequent requests for advice on painting, antifouling, choosing electroncs, etc. There may be little jokes along the "not that old chestnut again" lines but normally followed up by genuine advice gained by each contributors personal or anecdotal experieince.

I think you're being a bit hard and unfair, but if I've said that before, I'll go and stand in the corner with my dunce's hat on.


> Why can't we just get on with what we have and not have to endure constant referrals to what has been?

We used to in the old days. I remember when all we had was just three posts and no archive. Mind you, they were good posts in those days, and MattS only had a clapped out 48 footer...


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16 May 2001
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Request end to whinging, it\'s not that important

Claymore, if you want a discussion on a boaty topic, make a post. If someone else has a banter point, let em post it. Reading any post is not compulsory. If you liked gardening and went into a bookshop and complained that only those 3 shelves over there had garden books, the rest was fiction, travel guides DIY and cookery, I spect the shop assistant would politely suggest you just hang around the 3 shelves that you like. And you would be free to write a series of gardening books to make it four shelves. People should IMHO stop saying "I think posts should only be made about XXX". The BB is the sum total of its posts. Everyone is free to tug it in their chosen direction if they want, but not to tell others what to post about. IMHO of course, flame away, the composition of this BB is not a stay-awake issue for me (said in American accent) :)


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
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Re: Request end to whinging, it\'s not that important

What you say is fair and correct. I've been a forum member since around May 2001 and have no problem with the banter or the non - boaty posts and of course it is a free world and not one I would wish to control - which seems to be the impression that Haydn has of me. By all accounts his toilet article seems to have been a classic and he is obviously offended by what I said which I regret. It does happen quite frequently that people comment on the lack of quality or content of posts nowadays and in so doing reflect on how good they used to be. Perhaps I didn't articulate that too clearly and I hope that I make more sense in this second attempt. As a relative newcomer and therefore not a participant in the "time when posts were good" and without wishing to sound wet, I suppose I have taken minor offence at the insinuation that things were better before 'newer posters' were around. Without doubt that should have someone advising me not to be so sensitive!!