<font color=white> tcm and byron are actually Kim, but don't let on, Twister Ken is tcm, haydn is Pauline B, and everyone else is learner. Jeffery is Duncan, and titch is who she says she isn't. just don't tell anyone, cos Kim is gonna go bananas when he has to search every post for white writing, but that's hlb's fault, but he's DepSol anyway! </font color=white>
<font color=white> the invisible man </font color=white>
Oh thar must be true cos<font color=white> If we carried on like this. Kim would get his rocks off and do us for. INSABORDINATION.<font color=black>It's only a small point.
<font color=white> The Invisable Man Haydn/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
I guess it's not true then...<font color=white> despite the email you sent me saying 'wind the raggies up.....but especially Kim' Nooo, noo, it's not true. I'll bet you the first one to figure it will
1 tattle tale
2 join in and have some fun..probably not a raggie then
3 resign from the forum in disgust
figure the odds yourself
</font color=white>
<font color=white> the invisible man </font color=white>