Most of my viewing is when I first get to work, or at lunchtime (like now!). However, I leave it open in the background for the occasional peek whilst waiting on the phone, having a coffee etc.
It doesn't interfere with my work - honest!
I always imagine that a good half of 'butter's are semi retired, have jobs that require little 'work' or those who have 'made a few quid' and now just want to enjoy it. Of course if that is the case, Scuttlebutt can be seen as a sort of social service, keeping retrobates off the street corners and out of pubs.
Anyway Stingo, why should you care? Your biggest problem must be how to kill time before the Carnival. Go on, no body will recognise you, get a costume, then off to the Queens Park Savanna with your bottle of Old Oak! Its brilliant!
Im at work now I am a strictly 9 to 5 viewer and poster.
passes the day without learning a thing or producing a thing of any worth to anyone apart from myself.
Anyway Stingo, why should you care? Your biggest problem must be how to kill time before the Carnival. Go on, no body will recognise you, get a costume, then off to the Queens Park Savanna with your bottle of Old Oak! Its brilliant!
[/ QUOTE ]
My biggest problem is that I am actually in the UK at the moment.
When I was a junior, I was told that hell was a hot place. But now I think I've died and that it's actually cold and wet in hell and the devil is Tony B.Liar himself. Oh yes, all my mates are here, so it must be true.
There are two ways of looking at it- if you are at work and sneaking the chance to post, then maybe it is a timewaster. But at home, with the family away now, nothing on TV worth watching, and all my books read, then it is good entertainment.
I have loads of stuff to do, but my good friend and work colleague went in for an op for a melanoma yesterday and they found more than they expected. Somehow work hasn't seemed so important this last couple of days, and the forum is a great escape.
Normally, I'll try to get important stuff done but still can't resist a peek from time to time, especially if there's a good thread running. Have met a lot of friends via the forum over the past 3 years despite initial caution.
Here here ... with the friends ... may it long continue.. I walked into 4 "butters at P Solent last Sat - great to see them. Crossing the Alantic with a couple of others, crossing Biscay with another -- in touch with many...
Of course, at one level it is a complete waste of time but...
..I've got charts for a trip plus some very useful contacts via this board, met rather too many drunks, err sailors as a direct result of this. And I've learnt a great deal about lots of techie boating stuff like the Bruntons autoprop that currently adorns our shaft, how to slow a boat down in big seas, to mention a couple of examples. Not to mention more than I need to know about the likes and dislikes of the disfunctional Scots that inhabit this board.
I'm a little dismayed by your analysis of Blighty, sure the weather is crap at this time of year but show me where else I can find radio of the standard of Radio 3 which I am listening to at the moment, radio 4's Sorry I haven't a clue and Desert Island discs and I'll come and join you. But then you are off to Carnival and all those semi-naked young ladies so perhaps I haven't a chance of promoting this particular line of argument...