New member
Three times in the recent past out of three arrivals of such craft, our tranquil marina has been subjected to classic boat syndrome. The best debacle left a yacht riding up a pontoon by the bow and pinned under the opposite pontoon by the stern, in the most recent (today) a long keeled craft zigzagged down the trots hitting at least four boats before it managed to turn by pivoting on the stern of a westerly. Arriving doesn’t seem to be a problem for these things but leaving certainly is. After bouncing off a few boats and pontoons all the skippers offered a shrug and a comment like “it doesn’t go backwards very well its got a long keel you know” my reply is “shame the you don’t know what a warp is, and do you have any plans to get a skipper that understands boating?” Offers of assistance on departure were rejected by all the owners who went on to cause havoc. I am well aware that there by the grace of god go I but really, chaps if your boat is a pig astern and help is available why not take it? Yes, I am a ware that a couple of you found my plastic French boat offensive, but your behaviour has won you no friends, none of you stopped to inspect the damage you caused. A shrug is not enough!