Intruder Alarms


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2 May 2004
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Does anyone have any experience of Intruder/ Burglar alarms onboard? Any information relating to reliable makes and models would be greatly appreciated. In particular are there any 'stand alone' battery powered models?


I've been looking at the 'stand-alone' door alrams ..... ones that you clip on to the door frame and have a magnetic plate on the door .... so no 'pendulum' to give false alarms all the time ... but if someone opens that hatch .. BINGO !

They generally run on 9V batterys and previously I had connected a PIR 9V stand-alone alarm to run from the 12V boat supply - no problem, so would expect these to run the same ..... in fact there was a benefit, the sound was louder !

Finally with these .... you know where the switch is if you bypass the in-built one and wire it to the boats domestic 12V ....
Most Maplins / Argos etc. have them and they are cheap enough, normally sold in pairs .... one for main Companionway, other for the forehatch .....

Worth a thought !