Not eactly a yachty subject but.......is it me, or my computer (relatively young in PC terms (sorry, personal computer terms)) or is it the net? It seems to have become so slow!!!! Even at strange times of night it takes an age to connect, retrieve emails or post responses in forums. I've almost begun to think that the surest way to a fortune is to sell advertising on the blank screen that so often stares at me when the machine is searching for a thread or a response. Not that the advertising would catch my attention....I'm away boiling the kettle. Seriously, are you all finding this or do I need a new processor or a whiz kid to fix the present one?
p.s. It took 35 seconds for the preview message box to come up when I checked this message!!!
p.s. It took 35 seconds for the preview message box to come up when I checked this message!!!