Interfacing Garmin 128


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7 Sep 2001
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I wish to interface a Garmin 128 to a Yeoman plotter. I know I have to set the Garmin to NMEA/NMEA for this, but I also want to send from the GPS to a cockpit repeater and a DSC for which I need to set the Garmin to None/NMEA. Can you programme the Garmin for each separately and it will all work, or have I a bit of a problem? The manual says you can interface up to 3 other instruments so should have the output to do this. If I wanted to add, say, an input to Navtex or radar later, would I need to buy an extra GPS or can you obtain an expansion box. Any information would be gratefully received. Thank you.


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7 Mar 2002
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You only need the upload when you are sending waypoints up into the GPS from the Yeoman. However nmea/nmea should not upset the repeater as you only connect it to the output (same with the DSC radio). You should manage to drive 4 listeners from the 128, five may be pushing it. You then need a NMEA expander (eg from Simrad etc) that will drive additional listeners or a multiplexor if you have other NMEA sources that you need to mux to a PC or autopilot - the output will drive 3 or 4 listeners and you can say direct connect the GPS to the Yeoman and the DSC radio... Brookhouse amongst others do one.


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26 Oct 2004
Dordrecht, The Netherlands
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I have the Garmin 126 which is identical, apart from an (internal) antenna. The setting NMEA/NMEA is the setting you should use. you can connect three (3) listeners in parallel on the NMEA output wires. You don't need any additional boxes for this. But (there is always a but) UPloading data TO the GPS is almost impossible. To do this you will have to set the GPS in the GARMIN/GARMIN mode and use a PC to upload (waypoint or route)) data. This process is a pain in the *ss.
So to use the output of the GPS is no problem, Connecting it to the DSC VHF, a repeater and a Chartplotter (without internal GPS receiver) is quite easy. Adding a radar might even be possible, just try it, good chance it will work also. This will depend on the total load generated by all the listeners on the NMEA output port of the GPS. If it fails nothing breaks, is will simply not work. It might be that the charplotter has a loop-through function for the NMEA data, so you can hook up the radar to the NMEA-output of the chartplotter.
Uploading waypoints to the GPS from the chartplotter or a PC is totally impractical.



Well-known member
7 Sep 2001
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Many thanks for your helpful comments. I am now hopeful it will all work. When this cold weather is over I'll give it a whirl.


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Can i use a Garmin 72 wired to an autohelm 1000??

In theory then if i set a way point at which i have to change course by 90 degrees,when i arrive the gps will tell the autohelm to change course which it will???

Again in theory i could set way points to take me down a winding chanal? and asuming the GPS is accurate and theres no other traffic i could sit back with a large G&T a good book and wait untill my arrival point?? All done automaticaly???