Insurance renewal costs (again) - help please


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27 Feb 2004
Cap d'Agde, France
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Dear Forumites

Having escaped the rat race and taken the boat down to the Med - Insurnance renewal time is looming and the quote from St Margarets seems overly high. Whilst I appreciate that Insurance costs are higher than the UK I think it might be worth having a look at some other companies before coughing up the readies...

Would appreciate any recommendations regarding good companies for cover for two handed sailing in the Med. I've had a look back through the posts but there are too many hits to weed out the info I need.

Many thanks in advance

Chas and Julie Roberts
Southerly 105 NOOSA


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8 Sep 2003
Western Australia
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I am in similar situation (about to leave for Med), and found tere are about a dozen insurers that advertise in YM and PBO etc, have just called each one and am awaiting quotes to come back. So best advice I can give is grab a copy of YM or PBO, and either call them or from the med maybe easier to email them all your details from an internet cafe.

I have been iunsured with uptil now, and they have the cheapest each year. Others that impressed me on the phone with their knowledge (as oppsoed to phone operators who dont seem to know much about the questions they are asking) are Yachtmaster International, and KC Powell.

If you are having problems getting a mag to get contact detials let me know and I will type a few in for you.



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13 Jan 2005
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Trans-ocean have links to boat and health insurance companies.
The German website (with English translation) is: (there must be an English site. Maybe
We've used them for three years and found them very good and cheap.


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29 Jun 2001
Home Shropshire 6/12; boat Greece 6/12
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Re: Boat insurance

Unfortunately you never know how good (or bad) your insurers are until you need to claim on them.

Equally, most of the boat insurance is done through brokers (St Margarets and Pantanaeus are such).

So rather than check out the brokers you need to find out who is actually underwriting the policy, how financially strong they are and what their claims settlement history is like.

Finding the cheapest premium is probably the "worst" economy you can make.

As a guide, you're unlikely to get and insurance for much less than 0.5% of the total sum insured - that would be for a safe marina berth in the UK, handled by a proven skipper and for a boat doing the average 800nm a season.

My premium, for singlehanding (no limits except oceanic voyages) and for the Mediterranean is 0.65% and has a £250 excess.

If you are interested in a further information, including a frank opinion on those insurers I have researched please send me a PM and I'll be glad to give further info.

This can only be a private matter as insurers (understandably) don't like to have their drawbacks publicly exposed on a BB such as this.