The boat we are currently considering has the French arrangement of the gas bottle under the stove and we'll be changing it. Is installing a gas locker going to cost a fortune? Are there alternatives?
Nothing to do with lockers but seems stupid that the French put bottles under the stove to create a bomb but then insist on us having ICC. (which is pointless)
Hold it there pardner!!. Why would you seek to replace a system that has only one double seal and nothing else to fail and replace it with extra holes in bulkheads, lots of joints suceptible to failure, copper pipe subject to corrosion and cracking, two flexible pipes, four crimped hose ends, a gas leak detector , a inside gas valve etc etc. The chances of all those failing is much greater than your single unit. Ask to speak to the underwriter and you will find that they will accept the system as is.
The one precaution is take it on deck when changing cylinders - but you knew that anyway.
They look a good idea on the surface however the data given makes no mention of a drain fitting and says they are gas tight... OH DEAR ???????
I would suggest at least a 19 MM drain pipe as specified by calor Southampton from the bottom and I would also fit a high level vent line from outside the boat to assist the drain function.
If you look at the diagram on the left hand side you will see a 1" hose from the bottom to a through hull in the hull side. which says use two stainless steel hoseclips.