New member
Hi all!
Please can I pick your brains on where to get a radio license for our boat, and what qualifications we need to be able to do so. (10m sailing yacht for private use only)
The MCA suggested OFCOM as the poeple to contact, is this following the right lines? We've got Short Range certficate with the DSC bit on it, but do we need anything else, I was under the opionion we did!
Hope someone in the knowledge might be able to help. I know we're all meant to have one of these so someone must know about it!!
Thanks for your time /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Please can I pick your brains on where to get a radio license for our boat, and what qualifications we need to be able to do so. (10m sailing yacht for private use only)
The MCA suggested OFCOM as the poeple to contact, is this following the right lines? We've got Short Range certficate with the DSC bit on it, but do we need anything else, I was under the opionion we did!
Hope someone in the knowledge might be able to help. I know we're all meant to have one of these so someone must know about it!!
Thanks for your time /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif