Being the one on top when I feel energetic, or on the bottom when I feel lazy! Well you did ask. My wife says scratching my gonads in the morning amongst other things, but what she says doesn't count.
Know what ya meant ,and weren't being facetious. Transformed into wimmin..lotsa new toys to play wif, and don't have to ask nicely or buy expensive meal first! ;-)
If I turned into a woman. The most eritating thing I would do, Is keep pulling my cardigan over My tits and the back again and again and again and so forth. Just watch them and take notice........
<font color=blue>
No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer<font color=blue>
1. Being able to think for myself
2. Navigating
3. Driving
4. Changing light bulbs
5. Picking up spiders
6. Washing dishes
7. Lifting anything heavier than 2lbs
8. Visiting her mum
9. Turning on the telly
10. Working the remote control
11. choosing T.V channels/programmes
Bloody hell Jimmie, you just had to ask didn't you. Don't you think women get enough stick from these guys, without handing out the ammunition for them to shoot us down.
But i would suggest they would also miss:
1. Spending 3 hours in a chandlery and coming out with nothing
2. Being able to get dressed without asking where every item of clothing is kept, even though it's all been in the same place for years
3. Going out for just 2 beers and meaning it
4. Being asked 'is that it then?'
5. Leaving up the toilet seat
6. Missing the toilet
7. Getting out of bed without scratching their arses and farting
8. Not being able to walk pass someone else's open bilge without poking the heads inside to have a look see
9. Being able to go to the toilet without reading for magazines, a newspaper and having a cup of tea
10. Spending hours looking for keys
Quite right Pauline, us women should stick together. I was trying to do was bring home to these chaps how much better off they'd be as women. I must admit the only thing I really miss is being able to go into a pub for a pint without being stared at. I also miss my crew as they've all become exceedingly busy since I've had the op but I'm thinking of advertising in Crewseekers as I'm no longer welcomed with open arms in the rugby club, and down the working men's club they're all working 7 days a week building extensions. I thought Sailbad was going to come out but he just did'nt turn up, I sat all morning in the 'Frog in the Throat' waiting for him but no show. I thought I was in luck when a handsome scouser ordered a pint of Guinness at the bar. But I think it was just a very thirsty passing stranger in a hurry as when I stood up he drained his pint in one gulp and ran out the door.