if forced to go agound with twin shafts what would happen ?


Deleted User YDKXO

I think the Broom 345 has quite a substantial keel so on intial impact the props are likely to be undamaged unless the bottom is very uneven. What happens when the tide goes out depends how soft the bottom is. If its very soft, the keel and sterngear will sink into the seabed without damage, if its moderately soft, the keel might still sink but the sterngear may be lightly damaged. If its hard, the boat will roll onto one side or other at an angle but the prop on that side is likely to impact the seabed and sustain damage but probably not enough to sink the boat
Basically, the keel should give better protection to the sterngear than a typical planing hull without keel


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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i think it entirely depends on the conditon and slope of the ground. Gooey gloopy mud and it might be ok. Otherwise, knackered props and tabs, bent shafts and/or potential roll onto side, then interior pops apart and kerching at the boat fixers.