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ICC\'s are for British boats only.
ICC's are for British boats only.
On the RYA web site it says
"Many countries require visiting yachtsmen to hold a certificate of competence. If you are planning to sail or cruise within Europe and the Mediterranean the RYA recommends skippers to hold the International Certificate of Competence (ICC)."
The article continues and says basically that under UN Resolution 40 an ICC is absolutely worthless if you are on a chartered Spanish, French, Dutch etc. registered vessel.
Not exactly very international then is it? So if you charter a foreign registered vessel you must hold qualifications from the country of registration.
I was under the impression that the whole reason to issue ICC's was to enable us to sail in European waters without further restrictions, so for those that are chartering in Europe you will be unlicensed and I can see that is going to cause possible insurance problems in say Spain and France where you need a licence for everything,
Anyone know how to go about obtaining a licence in other European countries?
Perry /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
ICC's are for British boats only.
On the RYA web site it says
"Many countries require visiting yachtsmen to hold a certificate of competence. If you are planning to sail or cruise within Europe and the Mediterranean the RYA recommends skippers to hold the International Certificate of Competence (ICC)."
The article continues and says basically that under UN Resolution 40 an ICC is absolutely worthless if you are on a chartered Spanish, French, Dutch etc. registered vessel.
Not exactly very international then is it? So if you charter a foreign registered vessel you must hold qualifications from the country of registration.
I was under the impression that the whole reason to issue ICC's was to enable us to sail in European waters without further restrictions, so for those that are chartering in Europe you will be unlicensed and I can see that is going to cause possible insurance problems in say Spain and France where you need a licence for everything,
Anyone know how to go about obtaining a licence in other European countries?
Perry /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif