I understand why mobo's are hated by some raggies


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25 Mar 2009
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Had a fab day on the water today. Start of a 3 day break, glorious weather, great company, what more can I ask??

Knowing it was always going to be busy out in the Solent today I was expecting 'fun' but have to say I've seen some really inconsiderate boating today...... Unfortunately all by my own breed..... Mobo's!!

We left the Hamble with the plan of heading off to NewTown river for some lunch. Now I know I was never going to get inside, but had planned to anchor outside (as done many times before). Anyway arrived, got settled in and preceded to be amazed. Now it was never going to be flat calm there but I was amazed by the amount of boats that travelled through all the other boats anchored at planning speed or worse still just off the plane!! Time and time again we got really tossed around by boats passing really close and at speed. I even saw 2 boats that decided to lift the anchor and head out, but as soon as they had stowed the anchor, opened up and roared through the other boats on the way out to sea!!

Now I know there's no speed limits there and I totally except wash from boats transiting past, but not through the anchorage.

So enough, we cant stop for lunch....... Lift the hook, head out to sea, once clear of everyone else, off we go........

Headed in to lymington for the afternoon and night. Just entered the fairway with a steady stream of boats in front as well as leaving.

We had a nice 60' fly bridge boat about 50 yards off on our port bow heading to sea. As soon as he was clear of speed restrictions, opened up and just passed us at max wash speed. The resulting wall of water chucked us about nicely. Now again, the guy didn't break any rules but where's the seamanship and common sense?? I never open up on to the plane near other boats as I know what it'll do to them. If he'd had waited a minute till we'd both passed, nobody would have been affected, but today really has felt like it was Everyman for himself out there!!

Anyway I'm sat in the sun, Chilled glass of vino and alls well with the world........ What have I learnt today?? Make sure I don't do this kind of things to my fellow boaters.



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8 Dec 2005
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Anyway I'm sat in the sun, Chilled glass of vino and alls well with the world........ What have I learnt today?? Make sure I don't do this kind of things to my fellow boaters.

Stay off the Solent of a Weekend. it's no longer like it was in the 70s 80s and 90s.:D


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15 Feb 2005
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You make very good points.
It's the excessive wash that is so annoying. Often the boats are within the speed limits. I don't know about your area but it seems up here on the lake that the pilots are completely unaware of the carnage behind them. I look, but I can't say I have ever seen one glance behind to see the small boats pitching and rolling behind them.


24 Mar 2010
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Dont think this is really a mobo v raggie issue, just that some folks are inconsiderate, wether they are in a yacht, mobo, jet ski or a car for that matter.


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24 Oct 2006
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Wash is the issue. In anchorages it annoys everyone. The time when it is very difficult, neigh dangerous, for a raggie is when we are sailing downwind being very careful not to gybe and then a heap of wash comes due to a close pass from a mobo. The wash changes the whole geometry of the boat, mast, sail and wind and can easily result in an accidental gybe with the boom crashing across at speed with all the dangers that can cause to gear and crew.

The difficulty is that mobos are presumably not "wind aware" when travelling at speed and if they haven't sailed don't necessarliy know that a yacht is in a potential gybe situation. Giving us a wide berth is all we ask. Oh, and wave cos we love you really :)


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2 Dec 2010
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Everyone from time to time can be inconsiderate (even without knowing) to start hs type of threat AGAIN IMHO is silly ..... So you had a bad day out there, tomorrow i am sure will be better and maybe the next just as bad !!!!

I try not to get into his sort of posts but to raise it in all honesty is plane silly and fuels all sides..... Why not post what a GREAT day you had regardless of the wash and thoughtlessness of your other, be it raggi or mobi compadres......:rolleyes:


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25 Mar 2009
At work!!
Everyone from time to time can be inconsiderate (even without knowing) to start hs type of threat AGAIN IMHO is silly ..... So you had a bad day out there, tomorrow i am sure will be better and maybe the next just as bad !!!!

I try not to get into his sort of posts but to raise it in all honesty is plane silly and fuels all sides..... Why not post what a GREAT day you had regardless of the wash and thoughtlessness of your other, be it raggi or mobi compadres......:rolleyes:

Errrr I thought that's what I had said?? Started by saying I'd had a great day and ended in the same way.

Not out to pick a fight, just saying I can see the other sides view. Surely that's a good thing?? :)


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2 Dec 2010
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Errrr I thought that's what I had said?? Started by saying I'd had a great day and ended in the same way.

Not out to pick a fight, just saying I can see the other sides view. Surely that's a good thing?? :)

Point taken..... But to start a thread with this heading IMHO is fuelling already a bad fire ..... :eek:


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5 Sep 2011
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Wash is the issue. In anchorages it annoys everyone. The time when it is very difficult, neigh dangerous, for a raggie is when we are sailing downwind being very careful not to gybe and then a heap of wash comes due to a close pass from a mobo. The wash changes the whole geometry of the boat, mast, sail and wind and can easily result in an accidental gybe with the boom crashing across at speed with all the dangers that can cause to gear and crew.

The difficulty is that mobos are presumably not "wind aware" when travelling at speed and if they haven't sailed don't necessarliy know that a yacht is in a potential gybe situation. Giving us a wide berth is all we ask. Oh, and wave cos we love you really :)

You make a very valid point, but I would counter that really if you are sailing downwind on such a knife edge for an accidental gybe then you are sailing too deep. A 5 deg wind shift would have a similar effect as rogue wash but more importantly its really sloooow ! Unless its blowing dogs off chains or flat calm in most yachts you are better sailing higher, say 165degs true. You'll sail further but at a much faster VMG :)


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6 Nov 2001
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An inconsiderate raggie will normally inconvience only the boat in the immediate vicinity. Inconsiderate large MoBo will cause problems to every boat he has passed and abeam until his wash has subsided possibly a half mile or so away.
Poss disruption over a couple of square miles ?
In the past it has appeared that the defenders of wash have always those with the biggest and fastest boats,wonder if it will be the case this time.
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Well-known member
21 Aug 2006
Two thoughts:

Location, location, location - the Solent is akin to boating in Oxford street - population ensues mayhem.

Generally there seems to be two main types of moboer: Folks who use big mobos like large speed boats for day boating fun, gold medallion around neck, ego, brash, flash, etc, and cruising motor yachtsmen who behave like gentlemen.

The latter may enjoy cruising in less popular out of the way cruising grounds, away from the equivalent of marine urbanisation and away from selfish yobs.


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26 Oct 2006
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stay in the UK, because what you have experienced is the norm in most Med; areas,in spain they call it , lack of education, in english poor up bringing, or freedom to do as one likes in most areas of life,,or as as been said on other bloggs,,,it·s OK if you can get away with it,

out to sea in sailing yacht, or away from it all, is this why we are living our dream and enjoying it,


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22 Jun 2007
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Wash is the issue. In anchorages it annoys everyone. The time when it is very difficult, neigh dangerous, for a raggie is when we are sailing downwind being very careful not to gybe and then a heap of wash comes due to a close pass from a mobo. The wash changes the whole geometry of the boat, mast, sail and wind and can easily result in an accidental gybe with the boom crashing across at speed with all the dangers that can cause to gear and crew.

The difficulty is that mobos are presumably not "wind aware" when travelling at speed and if they haven't sailed don't necessarliy know that a yacht is in a potential gybe situation. Giving us a wide berth is all we ask. Oh, and wave cos we love you really :)

I think that is a very fair and constructive post.
I guess another fact not appreciated is that, when following a vessel down the fairway at 2-3 knots, mobos have very little steerage, due to small rudders or outdrives, we are very much at the mercy of wind and tide.


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15 Feb 2005
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You make a very valid point, but I would counter that really if you are sailing downwind on such a knife edge for an accidental gybe then you are sailing too deep. A 5 deg wind shift would have a similar effect as rogue wash but more importantly its really sloooow ! Unless its blowing dogs off chains or flat calm in most yachts you are better sailing higher, say 165degs true. You'll sail further but at a much faster VMG :)
But the point of sail you choose is a matter for yourself and the wind Gods.
To say that you should choose a different course to allow MOBOs to disturb you with wash safely is a bit......erm...... one-sided.


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5 Sep 2011
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But the point of sail you choose is a matter for yourself and the wind Gods.
To say that you should choose a different course to allow MOBOs to disturb you with wash safely is a bit......erm...... one-sided.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I didn't mean 'please head up so we can buzz you 10 feet from your stern' I was just trying to make the point that if wake from anything could cause you to crash gybe, then other factors, gust, wind shift, wind shadow from larger yacht etc could also force the gybe and therefore why take the risk of sailing so deep ? Please don't answer by saying its the quickest way to get from A to B ! :)


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Had a fab day on the water today. Start of a 3 day break, glorious weather, great company, what more can I ask??

Knowing it was always going to be busy out in the Solent today I was expecting 'fun' but have to say I've seen some really inconsiderate boating today...... Unfortunately all by my own breed..... Mobo's!!

We left the Hamble with the plan of heading off to NewTown river for some lunch. Now I know I was never going to get inside, but had planned to anchor outside (as done many times before). Anyway arrived, got settled in and preceded to be amazed. Now it was never going to be flat calm there but I was amazed by the amount of boats that travelled through all the other boats anchored at planning speed or worse still just off the plane!! Time and time again we got really tossed around by boats passing really close and at speed. I even saw 2 boats that decided to lift the anchor and head out, but as soon as they had stowed the anchor, opened up and roared through the other boats on the way out to sea!!

Now I know there's no speed limits there and I totally except wash from boats transiting past, but not through the anchorage.

So enough, we cant stop for lunch....... Lift the hook, head out to sea, once clear of everyone else, off we go........

Headed in to lymington for the afternoon and night. Just entered the fairway with a steady stream of boats in front as well as leaving.

We had a nice 60' fly bridge boat about 50 yards off on our port bow heading to sea. As soon as he was clear of speed restrictions, opened up and just passed us at max wash speed. The resulting wall of water chucked us about nicely. Now again, the guy didn't break any rules but where's the seamanship and common sense?? I never open up on to the plane near other boats as I know what it'll do to them. If he'd had waited a minute till we'd both passed, nobody would have been affected, but today really has felt like it was Everyman for himself out there!!

Anyway I'm sat in the sun, Chilled glass of vino and alls well with the world........ What have I learnt today?? Make sure I don't do this kind of things to my fellow boaters.


50ft flybridge leaving Lymington for Yarmouth obviously wants to open up early or its hardly worth going.

The Solent is very busy, if you dont like wash its not the place to be on a sunny weekend, best wait to early hours or late evening when it can be enjoyed wash free or try another area .

3 things always amaze me

Hurst point, very narrow channel but small boats fishing in it, presume they dont mind wash.

Anchor/swingers off Yarmouth, Newton creek, Bembridge

Unlike you, the Raggies have gimble stoves to be able to deal with the wash, they dont mind it (or they wouldnt be there) , your boat isnt designed for anchoring off busy areas of the solent.

Why when leaving Rivers/fairways dont the slower boats ease off and let the fast boats passed @ 8 knots, that way when they open up they dont have to over take.


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5 Sep 2011
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Unlike you, the Raggies have gimble stoves to be able to deal with the wash, they dont mind it (or they wouldnt be there) , your boat isnt designed for anchoring off busy areas of the solent.

That raises an interesting point, why don't motorboats have gimballed stoves ? It would make having a brew at anchor a lot safer, especially with all those bloody water-skiers about :D