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Hi Folks
I could really do with some good advice (any legally qualified forumites out there?) as I am very unhappy with my boat.
I live in Guernsey and late last year went over to the south of england to look at and sea trial a boat.
All went well and we duly proceeded with the purchase, electing to buy the demonstrator at a discount from new as it was the exact spec we were looking for.
The boat arrived in Guernsey in March and the first time we took her out, the engine failed, and we were towed in and the boat left with a local marine engineers to sort out under warranty as agreed by the dealer we bought off.
The boat was delivered back about a week later with an apparent clean bill of health.
We took her out and again, the engine failed.
The boat was taken back to the engineers yard (local volvo specialists) for more warranty work.
On inspecting the engine, there was sea water present in two of the cylinders. After about a month of discussion, Volvo agreed to send a brand new engine out from Sweden.
That was fitted earlier this week and she was delivered back to her mooring yesterday after a sea-trial and a clean bill of health.
I went down to her today and rather than take her out, I ran the engine for about 40 mins at the mooring, switched off for about 5 mins and then re-started which went fine. I then ran her for another 5 mins and then switched her off for about 20 mins. Went to re-start her and she would not start, exhibiting exactly the same symptoms as before (turns over and over, but no ignition).
I'm deeply unhappy about this - We paid a lot of cash for her and so far since March I have only used her out on the sea twice both with a tow in, so probably about 3 hrs use all in.
Now she's back and I can't use her again becuase of a fault.
I have left a message for the boatyard to collect her on Monday and to sort it out (under warranty), but I'm wondering exactly what is going on, and I am losing faith in the vessel.
The yard said they sea trialled her and are very sympathetic, as is the dealer I bought her off, but if they can't fix it this time, am I entitled to reject the boat and demand my money back?
Any advice or suggestions appreciated - I've been very patient and have not been cross or stroppy with anyone yet, but I really feel that I may have to 'get legal' to sort this out.
I've owned her for nigh on 3 months and have only been out for 3 hrs!
Help! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif
I could really do with some good advice (any legally qualified forumites out there?) as I am very unhappy with my boat.
I live in Guernsey and late last year went over to the south of england to look at and sea trial a boat.
All went well and we duly proceeded with the purchase, electing to buy the demonstrator at a discount from new as it was the exact spec we were looking for.
The boat arrived in Guernsey in March and the first time we took her out, the engine failed, and we were towed in and the boat left with a local marine engineers to sort out under warranty as agreed by the dealer we bought off.
The boat was delivered back about a week later with an apparent clean bill of health.
We took her out and again, the engine failed.
The boat was taken back to the engineers yard (local volvo specialists) for more warranty work.
On inspecting the engine, there was sea water present in two of the cylinders. After about a month of discussion, Volvo agreed to send a brand new engine out from Sweden.
That was fitted earlier this week and she was delivered back to her mooring yesterday after a sea-trial and a clean bill of health.
I went down to her today and rather than take her out, I ran the engine for about 40 mins at the mooring, switched off for about 5 mins and then re-started which went fine. I then ran her for another 5 mins and then switched her off for about 20 mins. Went to re-start her and she would not start, exhibiting exactly the same symptoms as before (turns over and over, but no ignition).
I'm deeply unhappy about this - We paid a lot of cash for her and so far since March I have only used her out on the sea twice both with a tow in, so probably about 3 hrs use all in.
Now she's back and I can't use her again becuase of a fault.
I have left a message for the boatyard to collect her on Monday and to sort it out (under warranty), but I'm wondering exactly what is going on, and I am losing faith in the vessel.
The yard said they sea trialled her and are very sympathetic, as is the dealer I bought her off, but if they can't fix it this time, am I entitled to reject the boat and demand my money back?
Any advice or suggestions appreciated - I've been very patient and have not been cross or stroppy with anyone yet, but I really feel that I may have to 'get legal' to sort this out.
I've owned her for nigh on 3 months and have only been out for 3 hrs!
Help! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif