I'm guessing it's just coincidence that the radar is in the same position in both shots.
It's the real thing.As are the flags. Keep flicking between the pictures and you see the the starboard flag is curled under exactly the same. The thing that makes it look like a model is the proportion of the ships bow wave to the pilot boat. It just looks like these old films where clearly they have used models. I am guessing this is a model that has been cleverly superimposed over the real deal.
For example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWhYUIp4nDQ and https://www.naintrading.co.uk/model-ships/pilot-boat-p-457.html#.Vef_eLTOSAB
It's the real thing. ...
Looks like a modelIve zoomed to the pilot and it shows a human!
Looks like a model
I think the radar must be switched off.