I confess..


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16 May 2001
Chatham, Kent
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I must own up, we went sailing at the weekend on a friends Beneteau 41. We left from Ramsgate and hopped over to Calais taking 3 times as long as I usually take.

We had a wonderful weekend, ate and drank far too much as per. Slurped on the best Irish coffee in the World, Colin knows what I mean. Then we were told to belt up by some blazer in a Halberg Rassy, just coz it was two thirty in the morning! I wisely pointed out that it was only one thirty BST but he wasn't having any of it. So my wife got her guitar out and we treated him to some drunken karaoke, which is like when sober only LOUDER.
We came back the next day in a NE 4-5 with a nice wind v tide sea to match.

Some observations.....

We motored over as it was flat calm, just like on Odyssea only SLOWER.

Sailed back heeled at 45 degrees, I need a wee I said, piss over the side was the reply. Well it was ok for them but I didn't fancy my chances leaning over the rail. So I went below and it was a bit of an ordeal. They said later that they sometimes wee in the cockpit and sluice it out with a bucket of water later. I hastily replied that when they come out with us there is no way that they are pissing in my saloon. I'd rather let them smoke than that!!

People say that sailing is quiet and peaceful. Take it from me, all those sails flapping, ropes creaking, shackles banging, rigging whistling makes far more racket than Benny and Bjorn my 2 trusty Volvos.

And one other thing, I HAVE NEVER FELT SO SICK IN ALL MY LIFE !! (sorry about the shouting)

Thats enough from me.

Dave S


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15 Jun 2001
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Re:Benny & Bjorn??

I like that! But I think it's the first time I've heard the words 'Trusty' and 'Volvo' used together. It's reassuring.

Matts gone all French. Just when I'd got the gist of Haydnese!


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16 May 2001
Chatham, Kent
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Re:Benny & Bjorn??

As in the two Swedish weirdy beardies from Abba.

By the way , I have just fitted a new autopilot to the old tub.
We had to think of a name coz it will be an extra crewmember.

Thought of Harry Helm

or Henry the navigator

but decided on Pontious........

Pontious Pilot? Geddit?

Ps Before all of your cliquey smartassess start banging on, I know its spelt Pilate !!!

Can you do any better?


Dave S


Re:autopilots are called..

George. They all are. You can call them something else, but their real name is George. Dunno why.


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16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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The slut engine and the good engine

Our two engines have been christened the "slut" engine and the "demure" engine. The slut engine starts as soon as you push her button, the good engine always waits for the second push.

Pauline B