I cant find it.


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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I saw on here recently someone knew how many nortical miles there were to a ordinary mile, (bout 1.004 ish) but I did a search and could not find it, so, please, please please, can someone one tell me how to convert miles on my GPS to nortical miles.

The thing is, I know the boat does go quite quickly, but the log never sez more than 23knts since bottom got all weedy, nu gps sez 30 mph (there was no tide, so its thru the worta), wanno know how quick boat is going for soon happening predicted log event.

Oh, and er, bit embarrassing, missing and believed stolen tender was found upstream and returned, it made a break for freedom, but has now been brought back into captivity and I have been out on boat this afternoon, quick blast to Wotton Creek as high tide and wanted to suss out pontoon, then fly past Cowes Harbour, back to HLR, beer in hand all the way, marvellous it was too, then filled with red stuff ready for sunshiney weekend of fun.

add you sarcastic remark about someone elses tag line here.....


one NM = 1.15 land miles Your GPS should have a provision in the set up to change it to NM

"The Med is calling me"


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23 Jun 2001
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Your GPS should have a 'nautical' set up which will automatically record nautical miles, which are equal to one minute of arc of latitude (I gather you know this, being something of a navigator). This will vary slightly as the earth is not a perfect sphere, but an average of 6050 feet is generally used. So compare with 5280 feet for statute miles and Robert is your father's brother !!



Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Niton Radio
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So that means...

full of red stuff, just me, mucky bottom cos could not be bothered to clean it, getting 28 knots.

Not bad considering her age.

About the dinghy escaping, my knots are as good as the next man, thing is, the next man undid my knot to get his knot un done and did not re do my knot as well as I did, I think, oops, rambling again....

add you sarcastic remark about someone elses tag line here.....