This wasn't done on perpose at all!!! How this happened?? I believe that when I was coming into shore that I hit some rollers left over from the twinrig and when I pulled off the throttle the nose hit those rollers and sucked the front end down.
Some people think that I may have pulled the throttle back past netural into reverse adding to the nose dive. Still not 100% sure how it happened, I just know that I don't want to do that again!! LOL...
initially it looked like he was going to attempt a "jet stop" when you dump it in reverse and spin the wheel, this of course only works with a "jet boat" which from what I can gather is not.
He certainly looked very pleased with himself. But I still can't figure out what happened, just reinforces my view that bow riders are potentially accidents waiting to happen.
Twas a ski tow boat: Heavy engine in the middle, nice flattish sections at the rear, so lots of lift from the rear, then he hits the chop and possibly selects reverse, ooops...
I agree, I've stuffed my boat into a wave after getting caught out one day and while the bow went under and a big wave rolled up and soaked us, most of the water was deflected by the cabin and windscreen and what soaked us and entered the cabin didn't even trip the bilge pump!
Had she been a bowrider I'm sure she'd have been swamped!
Looks pretty deliberate to me, he fair flung that helm over and you can just make out his right arm flinging the motor astern, he looks too cool keeping the engine running while he backs out of the hole and lets the bulk of the water run out through the bow. wouldn't be so sure it is not jet drive, for a boat to come to that sort of stop takes some power and if had hit something there would be a mighty hole in it if it caused it to stop that quick, plus the boat doesnt look as if it hit something in that it would shudder or at least you would see it rise slightly as it collided, it just immediatey goes into a nose dive much like a crash stop with a jet drive. all IMHO of course /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
P.S. You also see the girl just before the stunt turns around grabs hold and braces herself, I rest my case M'lud /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
If you look after the submarining there's a very strong tidal flow, my guess is he went over the top of a standing wave, and sunk the bow at the base of the wave?
Yup, agree. Definitely deliberate. Girl braces herself, he does a trick with wheel and throttle, and they both look pleased as punch as the smile/raise arms for the camera. And camera angle very well set up, not impromptu job
Good driving though. It wasn't a jet drive becuase the engine box is too far forward and there is space behind the box where the jet tube would go
Any one know if you can go from full forward to reverse in a shaft drive Mastercraft, without trashing the gearbox ?
I've spent quite a bit of time sking with these either the hard bow version of the 190 or the bowrider 210. I think he was trying to do a 'Mastercraft turn' (180 flat spin) and he hit a hole in the water. looks really weird though.
Surely even an American wouldnt be stupid enough to purposely submarine a 20k boat /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I think he was trying to do a 'Mastercraft turn' (180 flat spin) and he hit a hole in the water. looks really weird though.
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Think you're right on that one. There was a link to a video of another Mastercraft doing just that on the same page. He definitely seemed to hit a bit of a swell as he started the turn, so I suspect it really was a screwup.