Change the name of the outgoing boat to something else and get on the phone to Cardiff to ask them to keep the name for your new boat. Helps if you've actually started the paperwork on the new boat as they have something to pin the name to - but you don't have to have completed it all.
I would suggest speaking to CArdiff...In the big world we sometimes change the name before selling.
Change of owner.....change of name.......change of Port of registry are all just form filling excersises to be accompamied with adequate bullion or plastic /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
For change of owner the Bill of sale is needed and don t forget The Seal /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif they come in packets of three in John Menzies LOL
If you change the name on a P1 registered boat, the MCA will ask you to give three names in case the first one or two are already or are being registered. Costs about £60 if I recall
Yes - but I've never done that. Always spoken to them first to find a name that is available otherwise the forms could be going back and forth for ages...
From memory, Rick, we cleared the name first but still had to give two other alternatives.
I think we did
XXXX of Southampton
XXXX of Portsmouth
XXXX of Hamble
or something like that
That was just changing the name of the new boat though.
To move a name must be a little more complicated but I'm sure it is easy if you do as Rick says and give them a call.