determined that it won't end up looking like it should be at the bottom of the garden!
will be supported by wooden uprights at the rear corners.
Not sure where you got your dimensions. Same boat- Project 31- only the other one is a 'sedan'
It's primary function is as accommodation, hence the desire to make the cockpit area more weatherproof. A professional boatbuilder just quoted 8k to do it, which is a bit steep when boat only cost 6....
My brother is proposing that we do it ourselves, but I only see a whole heap of pain coming...making a roof is simple enough, but when you get into windows and sliding doors etc, hmmmm.
Yes it will. Getting decent marine ply seems to be a bit of a gamble though.. Not sure if I got an answer to my original question i.e. 'will marine ply do the job?' (of a roof, not the whole thing)
Not sure if I got an answer to my original question i.e. 'will marine ply do the job?' (of a roof, not the whole thing)
Yes. Marine ply will do the job, but best if then covered with glass cloth and epoxy taking care to seal all the end grain and any joints between sheets.
Yes. Marine ply will do the job, but best if then covered with glass cloth and epoxy taking care to seal all the end grain and any joints between sheets.