Can anyone suggest a a sailing coure, residental on board or camping, to learn to sail and get a piece of offical paper at the end, as with a paddy course.
And how much do such cost??
Best would be a school in France Italy Gibralta or even the UK--though i hear a shared bed there costs £70 PN including burnt toast greasy bacon and cold tea!
If anyones in Elba now perhaps you could find the phone number(portable and changes each season) of the school in Cavo, the supermarket should have it.
And how much do such cost??
Best would be a school in France Italy Gibralta or even the UK--though i hear a shared bed there costs £70 PN including burnt toast greasy bacon and cold tea!
If anyones in Elba now perhaps you could find the phone number(portable and changes each season) of the school in Cavo, the supermarket should have it.