how much does an AUTOHELM 1000 cost


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Having looked at sites all over Europe to find a simrad TP10 at a fair price,i now think that i better buy an autohelm 1000,at that can speak to my GPS!!

Compass offer the Autohelm 1000 with remote keypad for £267 that of course is certainly to expensive but a start!

What offers has anyone else found??

Tomorow i will call them to check that it can be used with a Garmin 72 unless someone has tried that combination??

And i hope i can just plug the GPS into the Autohelm without having to pay another fortune for a "special wire" made for a few pence and sold for £100???


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5 Aug 2003
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Hi Trouville,

I have a new one lying around, which I will never be able to use for my 70' LOA canoe.

Problem is to get it there and what would be a fair price.

regards ongolo


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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That would be great,as im probalbly the most badly off person on the forum,not having accses to huge incomes of those in the UK!

Sadly before the WTO spoke of free trade and Europe and the US the same i could have sent you the money and you the AH,

Now DHL would grab it as it got to France add handling and customs charges,and make me wish i had just bought one at my local boat shop.

The other thing you may not have heard of is a "waterlog" as no ones ever seen one they are supposed to work well???

As your in Africa is it really bad to live there?Were looking to leave Europe since the Euro and bad politicians have ruined it. Is there anywhere in Africa thats safe and not corrupt??? and has a mild climate?

Good luck with your wahram, there was a French person bought one in Corsica and was just opposit me getting it ready for a trip around the world.He crossed the Atlantic but then no more cards?? amazing boats!


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5 Aug 2003
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Yes, there are places in africa where you would be better off, than in europe, in my opinion that is. Mild climate is anothe matter. PM me and we can discuss and I may be able to give you advise.

Incidently, I am not the man with he wharram, I posted their problem, they are friends of mine. I have a gaff schooner. And a dog, and I am looking for a good woman with bad habits. :)

I suppose you would like to be where french is spoken?, that woud be west africa for you.

regards ongolo


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20 Mar 2005
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bon jour Trouville,
I saw an autohelm on e-bay, last night, not that much but cant exactly remember, I'm trying to find it for you now


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31 Oct 2002
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Have a 2000+ rather than the 1000+ AND a GPS72.

I just wired them together this winter & the autopilot seems to accept the data from the GPS. Haven't tried it properly yet though since the boat's still on the hard.

Note on wiring them together: The GPS72 only has a single NMEA wire out & a single wire in. The autopilot requires a pair, + and -. Don't be confuseed by this. Just connect he GPS72 NMEA out to the autopilot NMEA+. Then connect the autoplot NMEA- to ground. Job done.

If you get the free remote, don't expect too much. You still have to press some of the buttons on the unit itself to put in in & out of Auto mode.


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Thats good news! As for the key pad,the shops "offering" it with the AH1000 have prices between £15 and £68 more than shops selling the AH1000 without.

In gereral shops ask £98 extra for a 6 button key pad,which probably costs raymarine less than £5 to have made.

I dident like my old AH 1000.I would far sooner buy the simrad with far fewer buttons.

Im going to be crusing in the Baltic and from what i can see there are many chanels, and i couldet see me pressing the buttons hopeing my course change was effective,with the key pad i can at least face forwards when trying!

Then i read hear that the AH can be wired to a 128GPS so why not the 72? And you have posted,that ought to work.

My idea is to program way points along a very winding course and let the autohelm steer while i handel the sails?

Thats the theory! In practice if the new autohelm goes off course as offten a the old one ill either risk practicing MOB or testing the strength of my keel againts Baltic granit rock!!

The price policy of marine shops is a scandal!!

In Kiel an AH 1000 costs 349E £240 simrad tp22(same 10) 449E £311.35!!!!

In France Ah 1000 420E £291 simrad tp10 359E £248

In CH. Ah 1000 £267 tp10 £246

In UK Ah 1000 400E £279 tp10 287E £199.98 inc vat +£15.99 pp

These are examples in Kiel and France the key pad is 132E more and in CH.& UK included. In Germany the simrad has been redesignated but only the price has been changed!!In Denmark and Sweden the AH is 420E and i dident find a simrad?The price haveing been reduced from 667E !!and with key pad.

The price policy is really disgraceful!!

Now what should i do?? Buy the AH1000 for the nema/gps conection, or the excellent but non nema simrad saveing £65??

Will the autohelm really do what i hope of it????


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31 Oct 2002
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Need to be careful about just leaving it to steer the course from waypoint to waypoint though. According to the manual, there's a legal issue that stops it automatically changing to the next waypoint. It needs a button press to make the change. I guess that's a good thing anyway. If the boat suddenly did a sharp left with another boat to port, you'd get a collision.

When you pass the waypoint the unit beeps at you until you press a button. Then it changes course to head for the next waypoint. Can't remember off hand if this is available from the remote since I haven't tried mine in anger yet.

One good thing though is that the manuals are available from the Raymarine web site so you could get them and check everything before you buy.


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16 May 2001
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Check the specs and prices again!

Buying any sort of electronics is a confusing business, but you really need to look carefully again at the specifications and prices.

The Simrad TP22 isn't the same as the TP10 - it has NMEA connectivity and it's slightly more powerful than the TP10. That means it's a viable alternative to the ST1000 (and probably preferable). You can buy a TP22 in the UK for £269.

Or you can buy the ST1000 Plus Tillerpilot in the UK for £249, complete with handheld remote control. These prices include VAT and UK delivery, so it shouldn't cost much more to ship to France.

Theoretically, either of these should be able to interface with your Garmin 72 and steer automatically to a waypoint. However, you can't just leave it alone to follow a winding course through a series of waypoints - you'll need to press a button on the tillerpilot each time you arrive at a waypoint. Before buying a tillerpilot you'd be well advised to contact the manufacturer's technical support people and ask them to specifically confirm that the tillerpilot will work with a Garmin 72. Remember too that's it's essential to follow the tillerpilot installation instructions completely - especially the compass calibration procedure - if you want to interface it successfully.


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: Check the specs and prices again!

I had visited that site,the prices were very good,but it dident say that VAT was included! And so many online companys have a simular price,and sometimes a £1 or 2 more then add VAT!!

As for the postage,earlier i bought something,which turned out to weight 3.5KGS.Which in the UK would have been OK,but to France or Sweden,the first quote was £48!!

Then i got it down to £32,and finaly a link posted on my thread about postage got it down to £20.In the meen time the person despatching the item also found a solution,given im not in a hurry at all (yet)

Today i went to buy the Autohelm got to the cash desk and couldent buy it as they wont accept Visa!!!

Next i asked about the Garmin72 i can connect it with a neg&positive it has 4 pin out/in, new problem 3 feet of telephone wire and a plastic waterproof plug from Garmin costs £32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a 126 its included that is really a rip off.

I can still retern my 72 for a full refund which i may do.

Now i need a tiller pilot and GPS???? The auto helm had a plug included.

Now im going to retern to that link and look at GPS if they have and the sinrad 22

Its so difficult!!!


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: VAT is included...

/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif How did i miss that its writen in big enough letters!!!VAT AND UK POST INCLUDED!!!

What happend was i came to your site after many frustrating sites, saw your list,exactly what i wanted and went to the next page,for more info---then as my Firefox updated i lost my "add to" on my favorets!!!Oh Oh Oh!!