Trying to find a £28 discrepancy in my accounts, nursing an injured leg, cursing because I've just made a cup of tea and the biscuit tin is empty. Life can be very cruel.
Went up the Dinghy Club, to collect our Miracle as not renewing membership this year (better things to do at weekends!) Got there to find they had changed all the locks on the two sets of gates - new keys sent out with membership renewals, 'cept we didn't!
Eventually got the Miracle home to find it wouldn't fit in the garage (due to the prescence of a Laser Pico - anyone want to buy a Pico?).
Lots of reorganising, but still it wouldn't fit. In the end the Miracle is in the garage and the Pico in the back garden.
Next weekend, back up to Ipswich! /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Must be something about paperwork this weekend , I'd love to be outside working on the boats but I'm stuck with invoices to go out and chase up e mails to do , bloody weather isn't helping either , raining cats and dogs here , popped out to the shop and trod in a poodle /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
He doesnt need an accountant /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, your suppose to be making a mast /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
And you're supposed to be sorting out them there houses - at least I'm skiving from outdoor work. What's you're excuse? /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Anyway I can incorporate companies too. Multi-talented alledgedly.
We sailed back past Fullcircle this afternoon following an excursion down the Roach with the Roach Sailing Association.
There was a pretty big swell around Fullcircle and Wambam on the ebb with what must have been 4 foot standing waves. She was certainly moving around a bit on the mooring.
Pleased to report that Starter Motor rectified and Genoa back in possession, so all motive power restored. Stern gland leaking however......again.
New Company was set up for 30 quid online, VAT registration done online. HMRC stuff done online. Will now go to the Accountant tomorrow, as I cant find a software package (perhaps I will ask) that does not cost a fortune or needs relicensing every year. So PAYE done by hired Beancounter.
New Company is for Consultant activities to keep the mortgage money rolling in until I secure proper employment, if ever.
Ahh. Nick, I am not a virgin at this.
I was a consultant for 15 years and committed Permicide about three years ago for SWMBO reasons and to keep my weekends available for boating rather than the venal pursuit of loot.
I, like others of this parish, have also had a fair amount of thrust and parry with the Revenuers and I tired of it.
Hence the subsistence level income stream which we have managed very well. In fact just dropped 3 grand a month for a local job to come home to get married. Hurrah!
Hasnt made the weather any better though. So paperwork continues. We have now moved onto throwing out 5 year old service agreements and correspondance that has no meaning. The pile is huge. The shredder is very warm.
Sounds good to be having a massive clear out and dumping old baggage !
I've been independant for 8 years now, and follow the motto taught to me in the early days "permenant employment is for people who havent discovered consulting (or contracting) yet".