Brendan , I'm under a 'good behaviour order ' , which isn't such a bad idea for late nighters , so I'm not going to comment much about the , er , ' who's balls are biggest ' idea ( Louise , such language ? really needed ? ) but as far as the history of old posts is concerned , I was playing with the search engine , nothing more , I dragged up Morganas first ever post a while back and he didn't object , take a chill pill B , no offense intended , or allowed these days /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
I'm stilling willing to go for top of mast idea, if you stop dragging up posts from the past just because you can. Are you willing to go for top of mast idea, as I am
The thought of it scares the crappy blue stuff out of me , but if we can raise enough in sponsorship to take the two of us to the top , through the rigging , so no cheating cranes allowed , you're on . The thought of having a pic of the two of us at the top , standing on one leg , and both with vertigo , jeez that's scary , but I'm up for it if you are so it's sponsor a madcap idea time now
So who's going to sponsor me and who's going to sponsor Brendan ? Roll up folks , this could really have a twist in it
Er , B , shall I bring the bottle ? , I think we might need it
I'll forward the e mail so you can organise your side , but I suggest we start a new post as this one seems to be a tad overly indulged , maybe Haydn would like to join in too , who knows
Oh , and cracked ribs ? , only if things go wrong , but poop happens
e mail forwarded , looks like we might need a helicopter rescue but bugger it ( jeez am I in the poop when Louise views this ) , let's go for it B , it's worth it but you can bring the bloody bottle for the mast top toast
Just some thoughts re going up the mast of a tall ship, and this is aimed at both Dave and Brendan.
I went sailing for the first time on a tall ship 5 years ago.
This was on the Stavros, one of the 2 brigs operated by the TSYT (formerly the STA) - webpage at
And yes, they do voyages for oldies as well as 16 - 25 year olds.
Have always been terrified of heights. Even going 10' up a ladder, I would be dizzy. Said 'no way' am I going up that mast.
But everybody else went 'up and over' to the first platform (a wee bit higher than the course yard) OK, so I had to have a bash at it really. Legs like jelly at the platform though.
Next time was easier - to help stow the main course at night - easier then, cos the height does not seem so apparent as in the daytime. At least I thought so.
Each day I went a bit higher, telling myself it was mind over matter (and it is), until on the last day I was at the royals (not quite the masthead, but pretty close) and enjoying the view from 120' up....
Remember that you will have a full body harness, and apart from when you are climbing or descending the ratlines, you will be clipped on securely, especially at the top.
So go for it - good luck, and enjoy the view from the top when you get there!
and it seems the rag and stick brigade are in the lead here /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Tried to donate, but all i got was an error at the end of it:
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