tried it in cars but its not a cure, only a get you home and the sand bar sort goes alround the engine water ways and probably does the water pump in, in the long run.
As alreadt said its a no no. What has caused the HG to go. Overheat and warped head or just the gasket breaking down? If its warpage then the only cure is removal and a skim on the face.
Deoending on who you go to and how much work involved your looking at big money.
If i was you I'd give col a shout. If your tied to a warranty then chuck it back to the dealer.
Done that /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif and got one of his legs to prove it. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif got it wrapped in bubble foam so it does not make a mess of my car, far to smelly for keeping in the house. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I had a stone hit the radiator on a TR6 years ago, the water was leaking out almost as fast as you could top it up. I used a " Bars seal" known in the trade as a dog turd !! you crumble it into the rad, not the teady mixed liquid type like Radweld or Bars leaks. I put the dog t in the rad and immediately drove about 2 miles, topped up water and it never leaked a drop in the 3 years I had the car, antifreeze and all.Certainly didnt harm water pump, so I would say give it a try, obviously if its a big motor 5 Litres and above use perhaps two doggies.