New member
I have come over all queer and need to ask a powerskipper type question.
Sorry PS hehe
Onto the question......
2 weeks ago I crossed the Bay of Biscay on a mobo and took a pic of the plotter, have a look at the plotted depths WOW!
Unfortunately the depth sounder gave up the ghost trying to find the bottom at 170m
So how deep have you been then?
in the water that is /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Sorry PS hehe
Onto the question......
2 weeks ago I crossed the Bay of Biscay on a mobo and took a pic of the plotter, have a look at the plotted depths WOW!

Unfortunately the depth sounder gave up the ghost trying to find the bottom at 170m
So how deep have you been then?
in the water that is /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif