Honda 4 stroke championship


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25 Aug 2007
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Hey all!

Caught the 4 stroke boats racing at torquy today on ITV and thought it was awesome, never really watched boat racing before but it looked damn good fun!

Just wondering what those guys have done to get into a series like that? Is there any special training or is it just if you can afford to get the boat and enter??

I should be buying a small powerboat off my father in law later this year! Cant wait!


Active member
16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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yes it was quite good coverage wasn't it - and interesting racing!

the Plant brothers are known to many on here via Planty and their route to the series started with dad's tender not that many years ago!


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30 May 2001
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My son, first place on both Saturday & Sunday.


2nd place in the championship standings, one point behind ‘Salcombe Racing’ and the final two rounds of the 2007 championship on the 29/30 September at Liverpool.


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30 May 2001
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My son has been around boats and watersports from an early age so lots of experience on water before the racing bug got him.

Get yourself along to the last meeting at Liverpool, September 29th/30th and make yourself known to the staff at the event and they will introduce you to crews and people who will talk you through it.

The boats are all identical as are the engines so it’s all about preparation, driving skills and navigation.


For more information on the Series including how to get involved, contact the Formula 4-Stroke Association on 01489 582211 or email


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2 May 2003
West Midlands
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Hiya Tomcle,
We got involved after chatting to chaps on Honda Stand at SIBS a couple of years ago, then arraanged visit down to Cougar on the Hamble, met Steve Curtis and Pete Currington and found ourselves buying a brokered boat.

Very, very affable and delightful series all around, starting to get a little bit "cheque book" in some areas and still not totally sure about even playing field as there is a lot of changes made to boats and engines can't be modified but some are obviously "perfect" after lots of work, average speeds really shouldn't be so different in some races from front of pack to rear if only driver and navigator were the only variable, I say this as the owner of the team in 6th place in championship, so no sour grapes just an observation New scrutineering style is very welcome though and will make a difference I feel sure. Series is very much Honda influenced naturally and all done to promote Honda, no problem with that .

Main problem seems to be acquiring a boat other than brand new at the moment, there are a few people out there looking and a few offers being made to existing teams. Boats and engines are pretty bullet proof, however you will have to endure damage through racing very hard, example: my lads holding good position sunday then fuel tank split, melted bilge pump so taken on water not bailed and lost positions throughout race, thus we now have to purchase and fit, new Tank, Pump etc (racing spec, not cheap!)

All in all a great way to get into a really exciting sport and can be done quite economically, time consuming? Yes, Fun? Absolutely !! If you are around Southampton and fancy a go one day give us a shout and if we are out practicing I'm sure the lads will gladly scare your socks off for you, they do mine!!
