Holiday cruising to France - VAT status benefit option

6 Nov 2011
South coast/ Portsmouth
Visit site
I can't find any posts on this. Are people being discreet and just keeping quiet? We are heading south to Europe by March 2021 for extended cruising as liveaboards on our cat. We'll be gone many years. We've a UK registered boat and are UK passport holders. On the basis of the most recent Commission Brexit info and RYA input about retaining Union VAT status and free circulation if berthed in the EU27 at 2300 UTC on 31 December, is anyone out there considering an Xmas/New Year cruise to France (we're Solent berthed)? It surely has to be a top option? We'll have proof to use it if needed in the future (at our discretion), but if not ( say something doesn't go to plan and we're back in a year) we've got our UK VAT status. Moreover, as a generalisation a boat with EU VAT status will ultimately have a bigger market for resale - although obviously that partly depends on the type of boat somewhat. What's the view out there on an Xmas cruise?

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