On Mithril we have a holding tank into which goes the usual stuff from the heads. It can be pumped out when along side at a pump-out station or pumped out at sea using a permenently fitted Henderson bilge pump.
Question is, what do I do about galley waste? Currently this passes out through the hull via a sea-cock and is dissipated by the sea. However, I now learn that some Eastern Med countries do not even allow galley waste to go over board.
Our holding tank is quite small, holding parhaps a weeks worth for 2 of us but if I need to put gelley waste in as well I'll be pumping out daily(ish).
What do others do about this problem? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Question is, what do I do about galley waste? Currently this passes out through the hull via a sea-cock and is dissipated by the sea. However, I now learn that some Eastern Med countries do not even allow galley waste to go over board.
Our holding tank is quite small, holding parhaps a weeks worth for 2 of us but if I need to put gelley waste in as well I'll be pumping out daily(ish).
What do others do about this problem? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif