Holding tanks in the Med


11 Jan 2005
On Mithril we have a holding tank into which goes the usual stuff from the heads. It can be pumped out when along side at a pump-out station or pumped out at sea using a permenently fitted Henderson bilge pump.

Question is, what do I do about galley waste? Currently this passes out through the hull via a sea-cock and is dissipated by the sea. However, I now learn that some Eastern Med countries do not even allow galley waste to go over board.

Our holding tank is quite small, holding parhaps a weeks worth for 2 of us but if I need to put gelley waste in as well I'll be pumping out daily(ish).

What do others do about this problem? /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif


New member
24 Feb 2002
We have a 'grey water' tank as well which we use to provide the flushing water for the loo. This keeps the grey water on board without increasing the capacity of the black water tank. It also results in far less caking up of the black water pipes as the flush water is 'fresh' not salt.

The down side is smell in hot weather as the loo ends up sitting with grey water in it. We solve this by putting a blue 'toilet brick' in the grey water tank or by pouring a little bleach down the sink. Watch out for the shouts of rage from Headmistress on this latter point as it is said to be heresy to put bleach in the system, but it has worked well for us for 10 years without the need to change any pipes yet so it can't be so terrible!


Well-known member
11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
How vigilant are they out there?
At sea or in the marina/harbour/anchorage?
How do they know?
How serious is/was the yottie poo environmental degradation problem?

Is this an excuse for a paid-for inspection and a safe-poo licence?


10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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What will i have to do in Sweden?? is it really going to be as bad as i imagin??Or will i be better off trying to use a shore loo?

Is peeing overboard in the night forbiden or done? I heard the sea water may be used to cook with???


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12 Jun 2003
Stockholm Sweden
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Re: Sweden


Here in Sweden you need a holding tank. You can dump it out at sea I´m not really shure on how far out you have to go.

Yes, you can always pee in the water with "discretion"

However DO NOT EVER use your head and flush directly out in the water inshore. You will be "hunted down" by a group of angry Swedes and that will not be funny.

What you can do and what we often do is to take toilet paper and a nice walk either to a "dry toilet" (usaually a little red hous) or to a beutiful isolated place and dig a hole and sit down and enjoy the scenery. (if you understand what I mean)

We do use the water to cook potatos in therefore the above is important

Welcome to Sweden




10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: Sweden

Im not there yet!

Another 6 weeks before ill be sailing about the Stokholm Islands!At the moment i plan to look at the lakes rather than going directly to the Aland islands that i intended.

I havent got a sea toilet, in fact at the moment i dont even have a bucket!From what ive heard i think ill have to buy a "portapotti"?

Unlike Turkey where in another thread huge fines and muslim intolerance are the norm, i know i couldent wouldent dream of useing a sea toilet in Sweden when its not the done thing.

Besides the thought of angry Vikings that discover they may have cooked their lunch in water which may have contained "addatives"from my boat is best not thought about!


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12 Jun 2003
Stockholm Sweden
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Re: Sweden

I hope that I didn´t scare you off.
I think you will find that we are very friendly with visitors especially from abroad,
I think a "Portapotti" will be perfect and don´t be to alarmed about the "angry Swedes". We are very proud ower our archipelargo and I think you will understand why when you get here.

You say you will be sailing here in about 6 weeks and that would be the first or second week in May I assume, please rember that the seawater then will still be rather cold so the evenings and nights could be rather could/chilly.

One great thing about that is that there will not be that many sailors out except for weekends so you will have the hole archipelargo more or less to yourself.

I hope you will enjoy it

So once again Welcome to Sweden and our archipelargo the only place in the world where U can find
"An island to oneself"




10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: Sweden

Im really looking forward to being there.I had no idea the area surounding Stokholm had so many Islands! And lakes! There is also a canal from Göteborg but not open untill later in the year.

Ive also have somewhere to leave my boat over winter in "Bullandö Marina" i hope!If there not full.?? I will email them again, they dident reply before as i suposse there closed untill April?

Do you have any suggestions for islands, places i should visit?

Im also looking for more "online" boat shops in Sweden,in case i need things for the boat, ?

Are there many other "marinas" not neccasarily in the Stokholm area, but in General to leave the boat for winter?? If you have any sugestions that would be great


New member
12 Jun 2003
Stockholm Sweden
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Re: Sweden

Hi again.

It is more or less impossible to pick a few islands since there are around 30.000 islands in the Stockholm archipelargo everyone with its on charm.
What I suggest is that you get hold of a BÅTSPORT sjökort för the area ARHOLMA-LANDSORT that covers the hole area outside Stockholm and it is very deailed (the only one you need for the area) It is a pack of charts in plastic. everyone has it here
You can buy BÅTSPORT Sjökort for every part of Sweden it is the best and cheapest way to buy charts and you will need theme if you sail inshore you will find it everywhere
I guess that the easiest way is to buy it when you come here.

Try to get an overwiev chart for the east cost of Sweden I guess that you will be able to get that abroad there you will se how many islands there is even if I don´t think they show the small ones
As you said the Bullandö is a marina and you will probably be abel to put the boat there.
You see in Sweden there are not really that many MARINAS here since most of the people here are connected to a special BÅTKLUBB (boatclub) wich is maintained by its members to keep the cost down and that is where they keep the boats during summertime and put ashore during winter.
Once you get here you can ask around and there will almost certainly be possible for you to put the boat there over the winter.

There are a couple of things to remember about the clubs.

Usually when it is time for halout they will rent a crane that will come and lift the boats up at a speciel weekend/day and of course the same when to put them in the water and everyone will be there to assist
During that time you have to bee there in order to get the boat in the water becuse the crane mowes on to another location the next day, of course many clubs also have there own crane and if the boat is not to big you can usually be more flexibel. But check that out first if you have problems with a speciel day.

Of course BULLANDÖ there you can choose your own day.

If you can find a Club it will be a lot cheaper.

The main HUB in the Stockholm archipelargo is WAXHOLM it is not far from Stockholm here you can get everything you need it is on the mainland and there are busses there that takes you to Stockholm if you would like that.
The area around Waxholm is very nice

The canal you talk about is Göta kanal and you can go from Göteborg to Stockholm via tha canal go to www.gotakanal.se and look around and it is also in english. It is very nice.

I am afraid that I do not know anything about online boatshops here, i´we looked but i only found one end it was in Swedish, but I guess there are some.

I do not really know how much time you have here but since you are going to put the boat here I assume you will be here for a longer time, then my advice would be this.

Do not come too early in May and take it easy and move along slowly once you get here in Stockholm area, ask around, most of us speak pretty good English so you will not have any problems
I understand that you have a wooden Folkboat then you will find many new friends especially among other wooden boatowners here





10 Jun 2004
crusing with an Arpège
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Re: Sweden a wonderful reply

Waxholm. That ive noted!

And now i understand WHY in Sweden you have "Launch" periods and on the Bullandö site there is an extra charge if you wish to change a "date" period.

I will try batklub on the internet! The reason my google search hasent brought many results is certainly my spelling!

One other question:
I will be looking for WI-FI internet conection. Do you know if there are connections provided by Libraries bus/train areas or other places within Sweden. If there is a site that lists wi-fi sites??

Unless one of the very hard granit rocks moves ....or my GPS and chart ... i hope "plan" to spend 2 years there. (but not winter)

I will send you a PM as im a bit off topic hear!

Thanks very much indeed