Holding Tank Sealine 255


18 Jul 2006
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A few months ago I posted a question on fitting a holding tank to a 255, the question was also carried in MBM so thought I had better say how it turned out.

Spoke to Sealine who were very helpfull and provided drawings of where they put the tank in the factory if specified but unfortunately this would have been a very small tank so came up with the following which may seem a bit drastic to some but solved the problem.

As the petrol tank was suspect we were already going to replace this so instead of an 85 gallon tank we fitted a 65 gallon fuel tank and used the freed up space for a 20 gallon holding tank.
the fuel tank was moved to the back of the tank space and the lines that used to be water fill and vent were used for the petrol, obviously hoses changed.
The old petrol lines fill and vent were used for the holding tank with the vent hole being enlarged and a new vent fitted.
the water tank which sits accross the width of the boat between the mid cabin and engine bay was modified to allow the fuel fill and vent lines to pass under the corner of it and then turned round so the inlet and vent were to the starboard insted of port, new deck fittings were installed for the fill and vent.

I order to get the inlet from the toilet a changeover valve was fitted to give outlet to sea and tank and the hose was fed between the two walls of the tank space the inside being cut to bring it out at the top of the holding tank.
Unfortunately it is not possible doing it this way to come in vertically to the top of the tank as this is the mid cabin berth so you do lose a couple of gallon at the top of the tank but all in all the conversion worked well.
It is a big job to do but has resulted in a 255 that can be used by 2 people for a week on the river and by 4 for 3-4 days.
65 gallon of fuel does limit the range a bit but have found the anchor locker, which is drained and a seperate compatment to the rest of the boat to be a great place to put a 3, 5 gallon jerry cans so you can still carry virtually the same amount of fuel.

I know there were a few who expressed an interest originally so hope this helps.


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