HMG give us a break. Well most of us


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11 Oct 2002
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Released 18/01/05

Press release:

The Government has conceded to the RYA's legal challenge to the Merchant Shipping (Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Reporting Requirements) Regulations 2004 and has admitted that to attempt to preserve the regulations is not a viable option. It has also conceded that the consultation that was required did not take place.

In response to the RYA's actions the MCA has issued The Merchant Shipping (Amendments to Reporting Requirements) Regulations 2005. The MCA is now consulting on this legislation which, if passed, will amend the 2004 Regulations to remove the requirement for all recreational craft to report any "incidents" or "accidents" or face a fine of up to £5000.

In its consultation document, the Government has acknowledged the concerns raised by the RYA and in particular that this was a case of 'gold plating' of EC Directives.

The new regulations are expected to come into force this May. The reporting requirements on owners of smaller craft will then revert to the legal position prior to the 2004 regulations, which excluded craft under 15 metres from any reporting requirements.

Rod Carr, RYA CEO commented "we are very pleased that the Government has listened to the concerns of recreational boater and as a result is amending the 2004 regulations to incorporate a more practical and realistic approach to the area of reporting. The success of this action demonstrates clearly the RYA's essential role in protecting recreational boating and shows what the combined strength of 100,000 members can achieve".

The RYA's legal challenge however, has not 'gone away' but has been placed on hold until the amending regulations have been brought into force. It can be restored at any time including, if amending regulations are not made, or are unduly delayed or if a prosecution is brought under the 2004 regulations. The RYA took legal action in November 2004 in order to obtain a Judicial Review of the 2004 regulations, which came into force in September 2004. The RYA maintained that:

a. the Government had failed in its 'duty to consult' on the draft legislation;

b. the legislation that was passed into law 'gold plated' the EU Directive;

c. the reporting regulations imposed on smaller recreational craft were unnecessarily onerous and contributed little if nothing to safety at sea.

Sans Bateau

Well-known member
19 Jan 2004
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Well you see some Government manderin or another has to protect his job, the project he is currently working on is coming to an end, the only way he can keep his comfortable little job is create another set of legislative rules that will be of no real use to anyone, except justifying his own existance. In the mean time the legal fraternity are making fortunes fighting off these regulations.

What we realy need is legislation that will enforce the criminalization of any manderin who even thinks of formulating unworkable regulations.

Thank you RYA for protecting us.


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Seem to remember that this new legislation will exempt leisure craft provided they are less than 15m, and that all larger than that will stil be subject to reporting everything including passengers peeing over the side. TCM and other owners of boats in this category had better make sure of this.


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17 Jan 2005
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Sorry can I get this straight, if my boat is over 15m (which it is) do all the daft rules laid down in the 2004 legislation still apply?


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12 Nov 2002
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Your over 13.7 mtrs so the Merchant Shipping Act applies to you, for you nothing has changed, you still have to comply with a whole raft of regs including fire fighting equipment, life saving equipment, bilge pumps etc.
If you need it I can give you some pointers, pm me.


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20 Nov 2004
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First 45 then Zero, now 15

The new rules were intended for boats over 45 meteres, in the original draft.

They were introduced into law for boats over zero metres.

It is now said that they will apply to boats over 15 meteres.

This what they call "Joined Up Government" i.e. head joined to arse.


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15 Nov 2004
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Re: First 45 then Zero, now 15

Turn the boat round the otherway then it is MINUS 15m!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif