High Rise Exhaust - to fit or not?


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17 Mar 2004
United Arab Emirates
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Having read an article in this months sailing today about a 3 year old volvo failing due to water feeding back into the engine - I am now wondering whether to fit a high rise exhaust bend and water trap.

My own engine is a 10 year old MD2030 with only 500 hours run. It seems in as new condition but only has the standard volvo exhaust and water injection. After the water injection the exhaust pipe drops about twelve inches and runs along the hull to the back of the boat where it loops up as high as possible and then drops down to the exit fitting just above the water line. - There is no water trap.

SO should I go to the expense and hassle of fitting a high rise exhaust and water trap or leave it as it is. One train of thought is that the engine has been fine so far so why mess? In addition I fail to see why volvo would let what is essentially a sailboat engine leave the factory with this potential floor.

Also the boat is Swedish built and seems to have been put together with great attention to detail - so why would they skimp on an exhaust system?

What does the forum think? To fit or not?

PS do volvo make a kit for this job>? Any help greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I have a 2030 and fitted a Vetus Waterlock as low as possible immediately after the engine and then a Vetus Gooseneck at the transom - but then I do have an old fashioned transom which lends itself to the Gooseneck. To date no problems.


Well-known member
22 Apr 2004
Portchester, Solent
You don't need to go to the extent of fitting a high rise exhaust, syphoning occurs when the water continues to syphon from the water inlet, through the engine and into the injection point on the exhaust. the exhaust pipe fills up (because of the swan neck at the transom) and then flows back into the engine via the exhaust outlet. You can fit a syphon break between the water outlet from the engine and the injection point on the exhaust pipe. If you follow the link below, go to my home page then follow the link to re-engining you will find a photograph of what I'm talking about. Hope this helps.


New member
17 Mar 2004
United Arab Emirates
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Thanks to everyone for the help.

Alahol2 - thanks for this. As it happens my engine has a syphon break fitted after the raw water pump and before the heat exchanger. I had noticed this but had failed to see how this could help the exhaust but your description has made this clear. Seems like I have no work to do - Excellent. Oh - I have since found a water trap also in a cupboard which the exhaust passes through in the aft cabin -less work! Thanks all.

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