no not the Bealach nam ba ... but an enquiry as to the likliehood of the auld goat being allowed out to play for the weekend .. Is it worth asking him or this just likely to lead to marital drift?
Which weekend ye wee scaldie?
Ah'm awa tae ra skiin an then up tae dae r'antyfooling an pit they finushin tuches tae r'eberspacher.
Ah'll be gaein up there in ma new Espace by the way.
ah wuz thinking orra tape recording o' yin o' yon things working? jist saes the auld goat can be lulled tae bye-byes efter ra pain orra anither backward blawing eberspatter hits ra deck orra loch melfort way??
ma shun ... youse are welcome tae sample ra delectashuns an' delights orra ma auld tub which hae jist been fitted oot wi ra nooo twin cup, self stabilised, holder wi' table attched. ah hiv a pic here orra sea trial last week ...
nae'ra drap wuz spilt frae ra cups, ahm telling youse .... an' it wuz a forsh 8 .. so's ra coastie said, onyways ...
Listen ye pair o' scaldies - R'eberspachie wull be tairned firmly aff fer ra chentlemans cruise as ah' dinnae want tae ra pair o' youse in yer grundies oan account o ra heat.
Onyways this weekend ah'm toein ra marital line by prunin ra wisteria an daein usefu' jobbies aroon ra hoos - ah think ah owe her tha'