???????Help - Is Anybody Out There❓?????????


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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After that Referendum and we had all stopped rushing around with our hair on fire, shouting, "Oh my God, what have they done to us, what are we going to do❓":eek: Some folk in here got together to explore the implications and possible solutions or failing that, possible work-arounds.

The thread that got the whole idea going is at:- UK Sailors And Expats In The EU - Run Up To Friday 29th March 2019 & Beyond?.

Clearly contributors to this tread were in at the start so could be a good contact.

It started totally informally and to this day still is but over the years we have had some success making some sense of the whole situation. There were no rules but we were clear in our objective and to this end, we tried to avoid thread drift and conjecture. Keeping it simple and to the point. Oh yes, to remain objective we stayed off the subject of the rights and wrongs of Brexit.

Much of our research we shared in PMs. One of our greatest strengths was, between us, we covered different countries and different experiences, circumstances and aspirations.

My point; as I see it, Liveaboard Link covers two aspects, those who just want to chew over possibilities and have general conversations and those who are seeking specific advice, possibly to a problem. Getting residency in a specific country, was an example of a specific problem.

Threads in open forum are great for conversations and discussions but quickly drift off topic, are not so good for the second. /forums.ybw.com/index.php?threads/leaving-and-entering-schengen-countries-passport-question.558805/ is a good example.

My suggestions, if you are just in here fore a chat, the threads are great but if you are seeking advice on a specific issue you would probably be better PMing folk who may have a handle on your problem. Identify and PM a likely target in your area of interest

Quite likely you will hit the wrong target but they will possibly know the source you need so you may well get a reply from a different user.

If appropriate, it can always be the subject of a thread in open forum at a later stage.
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Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I totally understand your aim here Nortada, but the trouble is that PMs are exactly that - private messages - and they therefore provide nothing for future readers. Surely that's one of the main values of the forum - the volume of information that it holds?
I fully understand this dilemma but see this as half way solution.

Goes like this:-

A has a specific problem, which they point at B in a open conversation/PM.
B either fields it or, more likely, forwards it to somebody who really knows - C (and maybe) D.
If they are prepared to get involved C/D join the open conversation/PM and hopefully resolve the initial problem.

To give others the benefit of this discourse, if appropriate, A floats it as a thread in open forum where all can have their say.

I agree, one of the main values of the forum is the volume of information that it holds but it is also a curse, whereby opinion, conjecture, misguided advice and thread drift all conspire to muddy the water. End result can be confusion all round.

Currently, I am trying to find the original thread that started the whole process. When found, as it explains what we are all about, I will post it as a link in my OP and here.This thread will provide the list of contributors, who hold many of the answers.

ps Found it, the link I was looking for is UK Sailors And Expats In The EU - Run Up To Friday 29th March 2019 & Beyond?
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