Hello all you water-babies - I'm still alive!

Robert Wilson

Well-known member
23 May 2012
Second Coast, Ross-shire, overlooking Gruinard Bay
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Well, nearly a year has passed since Khamsin was sold. She is now down in South Wales, and I hope being very much enjoyed by all aboard and spectators.

Life took a big turn after I parted with her. I began to wonder "what next?". I couldn't settle, so put the house on the market and sold it in four days!
I then moved back to England (North Yorkshire, the land of my roots) and have a tiny house (converted stables) with no view, horrendous traffic and the loss of my very good friends from Ross-shire.

Hey ho! Life goes on (hopefully for a long while yet). There are superb walks in and around Richmond, my son and family live five minutes away, the pub is a long three minutes walk and I hope very shortly to pick-up writing my "book" again. It's actually finished, three volumes, but needs re-visiting and editing. It's all about Gruinard Bay, Arctic Convoys, family feuds, road haulage and skulduggery.

I often "jump in" to YBW, keeping up to date with you all and having my heart-strings tugged. Being away from the sea is painful.

All is much better health-wise and my new life has much to be happy about.

Good luck to you all, keep safe and enjoy whatever comes your ways - afloat and ashore.

Fair winds and kind waters to you all.



Well-known member
6 May 2005
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Good news to hear that you are still around and well. It sounds as if you are coming to terms with big changes from the glories of Gruinard.