I've met two of them and they're amazing. Not just because of their "disabilities" but because of their good humour and posetive attitude to everything they do. They climb, too. Perhaps they'll do the three peaks next year, it wouldn't surprse me.
Nelson did alright, too. I seem to recall that old charlatan Tristan Jones carried on without a limb or two as well. Or maybe that was just his version.
I'm taking a mate of mine who broke his back in a bike accident on the boat for a few days soon. He's pretty amazing, too, but he's hate to hear me say so.
As you say, a lesson to us all.
PS. Was there really any pirate captain with a wooden leg, or is that just a fictional stereotype?
I've sailed a couple of times with a blind skipper. He can hold a close-hauled course better than I can just from the feel of the wind, and watching him put the main to bed with 30knots over the deck (no lazyjacks!!!) was an education.