I was just reading the dictionary for fun, when ShipsWoofys post came up....
I like the bit about draf malt dregs, which sounds like beer. In which case, no I wont finish anytime soon, as I am not capable of further thought.
Main Entry: 1driv·el
Pronunciation: 'dri-v&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -eled or -elled; -el·ing or driv·el·ling /-v(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English dreflian; perhaps akin to Old Norse draf malt dregs
intransitive senses
1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : SLAVER
2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly
transitive senses
1 : to utter in an infantile or imbecilic way
2 : to waste or fritter in a childish fashion
- driv·el·er /-v(&-)l&r/ noun
....it also sounds like ShipsWoofys complete raison d'etre on the Forum, which is to be applauded and encouraged.
<hr width=100% size=1>Our engine will never wear out - it only runs for 5 mins before packing it in again.
How can they tell you they are not reading it if they have not seen it as they are not reading it so they would not know to tell you they are not reading it in the first place, but I have and thought I would just point this slight floor to your logic /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
there's a flaw on your floor here: if you're reading this now you can not be rolling on the floor because it would be too difficult to roll and read at the same time. However and on the other hand, if you're not reading this now then you won't know what it is that is being said or has been said hithertofore and will be none the wiser ...
will be none the wiser ... For not knowing that I had missed something or would i think I mite have missed something and for ever wondered that I mite have missed something while I rolled on the floor and now will not roll on the floor incase I miss something but then I mite miss something by not rolling on the floor so do I roll and think I mite miss something or not roll and still think I mite miss something by not rolling.
by not rolling you are more likely to see what you're missing because if you keep on rolling you'd be far too dizzy to see what it is that you'd been missing when you stopped rolling and, if you close your eyes you might not be so dizzy but you'll not see what you're missing so you might as well be dizzy and see what you're missing ...