The ferry story was made up for the insurers. That kind of damage happens to a Bav if you bump the pontoon a little heavily. One more fender would have saved it.
Actually it was post an afternoon snack at the local Greek Restaurant .. apparently the boyfriend let one go afterholding manfully onto it for several hours whilst in the presence of the parents. Apparently his kegs did'nt get away unscathed.
The Sun's online site was the only one with a decent pic of the Bav. Anyway, what's wrong with the Sun Online? It surely merits a look now and then, if only for the dreadful puns in the headlines!
Apparently ferry should have gone to wall 200 feet away, but took wrong angle entering harbour.
The other night I was telling SWMBO about the costs and realised I would have to content myself with dreams of the sun, no chartering in the sun this year, still if the longterm forecasts are OK may be better here?
Will show pics to SWMBO, she will prefer the east coast after that!!