Greece on track for EU border security system


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This is the best part I like .
" aimed at reducing delays in border checks and combating terrorism and other forms of crime, by recording third-country travelers’ details, photographs and fingerprints in a database that can be accessed at ports, airports and land border crossings nationally "
As if all the crime comes from people from third world countries


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9 Jan 2006
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This is the best part I like .
" aimed at reducing delays in border checks and combating terrorism and other forms of crime, by recording third-country travelers’ details, photographs and fingerprints in a database that can be accessed at ports, airports and land border crossings nationally "
As if all the crime comes from people from third world countries
A third country is one which is neither in the EU nor whose citizens have additional rights in the EU. Like the UK. Sounds like all UK citizens entering Greece will have to be fingerprinted.


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11 Feb 2021
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A third country is one which is neither in the EU nor whose citizens have additional rights in the EU. Like the UK. Sounds like all UK citizens entering Greece will have to be fingerprinted.
And assign a personal employee of special services to them


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7 Nov 2001
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A third country is one which is neither in the EU nor whose citizens have additional rights in the EU. Like the UK. Sounds like all UK citizens entering Greece will have to be fingerprinted.

No. It means you will need a biometric passport that contains your fingerprints. Like for going to the USA.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
I have a biometric passport, as does everyone with a British passport issued since 2006 according to wiki, but I don't recall ever providing any biometric data to go on it. How/when is this added in the UK?
Did you wear gloves when completing the form and tinted contact lenses for the photograph. No. Well that's your fingerprints and retinal scan sorted then.


Seriously, I don't believe UK ever signed up to including fingerprint biometrics. I think the UK passports just have an encrypted version of your picture plus key measurements (e.g. distance between eyes, ears, mouth and nose). I imagine height and hair colour might possibly be there but these can be disguised or altered and would be less important.
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Well-known member
9 Jan 2006
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No. It means you will need a biometric passport that contains your fingerprints. Like for going to the USA.

EU Passport regulations require fingerprints. UK opted out, UK passports just have a copy of the image.

When you enter the USA, UK citizens have to have their fingerprints scanned, EU citizens don't.


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
EU Passport regulations require fingerprints. UK opted out, UK passports just have a copy of the image.

When you enter the USA, UK citizens have to have their fingerprints scanned, EU citizens don't.

Ireland succeeded in having a derogation inserted into the revised regulation because it does not consider the passport card to be an “identity card”. So no fingerprints in Irish e-passports either, despite them still being in the EU.

I know they didn't add them to my Irish e-passport because I wore gloves when completing the electronic application form. :D:D


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29 Jul 2007
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We go for our electronic fingerprints in a little over a weeks time and then hopefully we should get the Biometric Cards about a couple of weeks later. I really don't know why folk go on about such things violating civil liberties. OK we are having to jump through hoops here in Greece at the moment but we are in someone else's country so we have to abide by their rules. To be honest, if the same came into British law for the passports I wouldn't give a damn. The same goes for the vaccine travel certificates, what are people so afraid of?


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28 May 2012
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Being a step closer to an Orwellian future?!!!
The publishers of YBW could probably track you to a street-level location just from using this site. Your mobile phone provider [and by proxy, most social media companies/search engines etc] can locate you to a couple of metres. Your megacorp bank and supermarket knows more about you than your closest friends.
Frankly, when it comes to dystopia, Orwell lacked imagination. We're already well beyond his worst nightmares.
And yet I don't see people slamming their laptops closed, going back to landlines or buying printed newspapers.
What I do see is people huffing and puffing a lot about liberties before they settle back down and accept the convenience of whatever is in place.
Anyone who has visited the US in the last 15-20 years will have been fingerprinted.
I really don't understand the fuss.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
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We go for our electronic fingerprints in a little over a weeks time and then hopefully we should get the Biometric Cards about a couple of weeks later. I really don't know why folk go on about such things violating civil liberties. OK we are having to jump through hoops here in Greece at the moment but we are in someone else's country so we have to abide by their rules. To be honest, if the same came into British law for the passports I wouldn't give a damn. The same goes for the vaccine travel certificates, what are people so afraid of?
Been there and done that. They're not fingerprints as we know them. I asked the sergeant doing ours if I could see them and they're electronic. They produce a giant QR code type pattern.

Wash your hands before you go, the sensor you put your fingers on (index finger of both hands) seems to be quite fussy if your hands are at all greasy. Methinks it's some sort of conductivity measurement? There are six (I think) sensor pads in each sensor. We pick our cards up on Monday.