Got mine too, ta very much. But you did,nt wnat me to get into it did you. Heard postie stuggling to get all the junk mail through the door, why he did,nt use the letter box i don't know. Anyway there it was lying on the mat, the eagerly awaited brown SAE. took me at least five mins to get into it through all the layers of selotape and draught excluder!!! Is that your way of saying i cant fly it yet!!
No. That was Tutt's emergency envelope repair service. Half came with no bloody sticky stuff. Or prity duff sticky stuff.
Tutt didn't want you all compaining of empty envelopes.
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
Got mine too thanks Haydn. Bit small though innit? Thought it was going to be about 10 feet ish for that money, so already built a big flagpole for it on the boat. Have to take it down now and mount it on a matchstick or something. I reckon someone's making a nice profit somewhere;-)
Axshually it's very well done H. Good on yer me old son. Nicely done for a Manwegian.
Cheaky bugger. Its already grown from the suggested 12 inch. to a massive 15 inch. And at no extra cost. Proffits are dwindling at the moment, with peeps sending unsigned cheques and envelopes with no sticky stuff. Creating massive office staff to deal with problems. Tutt's is having to have two helpings of dinner to increase office staff size.
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
Byron suggested that untill I actually own my boat that I lie naked on my back and improvise !!!!!!
how do you intend to fly her from your boat. Can I copy the idea ???? please
Adrian "Founder member of the Hoilday Club"
Don't call me "Sandra"
Cleopatra - yellow hull called Court Jester. Have you seen her ?
I had thought of doing that but feared 1 arrest and 2 clipping low flying aircraft
I'll do that bad thing of flying it from the top of my VHF - although if i'm honest I don't know what damage it will do to the airel as it wangs about in the wind now cos it's rather long. Everyone can see it from up there and wonder what flag it is - anyway what flag is it ;-o
Yep, mine turned up yesterday - thanks Haydn.
I'll hang it/fly it/wear it - whatever, from the small mast on the pulpit (I'm sure that has a name too!) where it will serve nicely as a wind direction indicator - essential info while climbing - no, crawling up the berthing/manoeuvring ladder.
Once again, Thanks.