good memory.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Here's a few!

AAMOF As a matter of fact AAMOF, he happens to be the boss too.

AFAIK As Far as I Know AFAIK, the event is tomorrow.

AFK Away From Keyboard AFK. Need to leave for awhile.

AKA Also Known As It is AKA the worldwide web.

ASAP As Soon As Possible Please contact me ASAP.

A/S/L Age/Sex/Location? Welcome to the chatroom. What is everyone's ASL?

ATM At the moment I'm just preparing dinner ATM.

ATYS Anything you say ATYS can be deemed offensive here.

AWA As well as I'm a volunteer at the club AWA the community centre.

B4 Before B4 we begin, let's recap yesterday's events.

B/C Because You can't go B/C you're not invited.

BF Boy Friend That's her BF.

BRB Be Right Back I need to quickly fix this. BRB.

BTDT Been There, Done That BTDT. It's all the same.

BTW By the way BTW, that was an awesome game.

CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong CMIIW, but isn't today a holiday?

CUL Catch You Later Gotta go for now. CUL.

CU See you CU tomorrow in class.

CUS See you soon I just arrived at the airport. CUS.

CWOT Complete waste of time That seminar was a CWOT.

DBA Doing Business As They are DBA (Insert Name).

DIY Do it yourself I'm not doing your homework for you. DIY.

DL Download Click here to DL the file.

DUCWIM Do You See What I Mean? DUCWIM? They are never wrong.

EG Evil Grin
(Expression) With this new invention, I will rule the world. EG.

EOD End of Discussion You have no facts. EOD.

EOR End of Rant
(Statement) I hate this....that....those things over there....oh and I can't stand these things either. Something needs to be done. EOR

F2F Face to face In the beginning of the match, the two fighters were F2F.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Check out the FAQ section.

FCOL For crying out loud FCOL, can't you do anything right?

FITB Fill In the Blank FITB for this sentence.

FWIW For What It's Worth FWIW, you can find a lot of information on this site.

FYEO For Your Eyes Only FYEO, I made you this card.

FYI For Your Information FYI, there are 365 days in a year.

G Grin
(Expression) What a great day. <G>

GF Girl Friend That's his GF.

GGN Gotta Go Now My time is almost up. GGN.

GI Good Idea It might be a GI to read the manual first.

GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out Like usual, GIGO.

GJ Good Job You did a very GJ today.

GL Good Luck GL on your new job.

H&K Hugs and Kisses
(Expression) I love you too. H&K.

HAGN Have a good night Thanks for the chat. HAGN.

HAND Have a nice day Thank you for shopping with us. HAND.

HHIS Hanging Head In Shame
(Expression) Ack, I didn't mean to let you down. HHIS.

HOAS Hold on a second HOAS, I think I hear something.

HTH Hope This Helps I found this great resource. HTH.

IAC In any case IAC, we still need to get this thing done.

IAWTP I Agree With This Post They make a very good point. IAWTP.

IMHO In My Humble Opinion IMHO, that restaurant was great.

IMLTHO In My Less Than Humble Opinion IMLTHO, that was the worst movie I've ever seen.

IMO In My Opinion IMO, you should take a rest.

IOW In other words IOW, you are the leader?

IIRC If I remember correctly IIRC, you were suppose to meet him today.

IM Instant Message Send me an IM if you need help.

IRL In Real Life IRL, you have to work hard.

JK Just Kidding I'm mad at you. JK.

KISS Keep It Simple Stupid That was too confusing. KISS.

KWIM Know What I Mean It needs to be brighter, KWIM?.

L8R Later I'm going to sleep. L8R.

LMAO Laughing my arse off (Expression) LMAO. That was too funny.

LOL Laughing Out Loud (Expression) LOL. That was a great joke.

LTNS Long time no see Hey, LTNS. So what have you been up to after graduation?

MYOB Mind Your Own Business Stop bugging me. MYOB.

NBD No Big Deal NBD, it's only worth a penny.

NFA No Flaming Allowed This is a friendly chatroom, NFA.

NM Never Mind NM. I figured it out.

NM No Message
(If used in a message with only a subject title) "Subject: That's a cool link (NM)"

NP No problem It's NP. I like helping others.

OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder They were diagnosed with OCD.

OIC Oh, I See OIC. That's how you make it.

OMG Oh my god. OMG. That was scary.

OT Off Topic This is OT, but you should read this.

OTOH On The Other Hand This is great. OTHA, certain people might not like it.

OTT Over The Top Those jokes are very OTT.

OTTOMH Off The Top of My Head OTTOMH, I believe two movies are going to be released next month.

PAW Parents Are Watching Send me the file later. PAW.

POV Point of View What's your POV in this matter?

PTMM Please Tell Me More PTMM, I'm interested.

ROFL Rolling on Floor Laughing (Expression) ROFL. That is hilarious.

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (Expression) ROFL. That's a classic.

SITD Still in the dark I'm SITD as to what you are talking about.

STFU Shut the F*** Up STFU. I don't want to hear about it.

THX Thanks THX for the help today

TIA Thanks in advance Can anyone help me find information about this? TIA.

TMI Too much information Whoa, TMI. I didn't need to know that..

TTFN Ta Ta for Now Have go to work. TTFN.

TTYL Talk To You Later I'll TTYL.

TTYRS Talk To You Real Soon Have to go for now. TTYRS.

TY Thank You TY for the present.

WB Welcome Back WB to our site.

WBS Write Back Soon Please WBS.

WFM Works for me Meeting today in the afternoon? WFM.

WTF What The F*** WTF is going on here?

WTG Way To Go You won. WTG.

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get WYSIWYG. It won't change.(Also usually refers to content that is published on the screen)

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary You can install the program if you want, but YMMV.

YW You're welcome YW. Just glad to help.