Glad it wasn't the engine cooling water intake


New member
18 Oct 2001
Hemel Hempstead UK
Visit site
At anchor in Totland Bay. Got up at 03.00 for a p** . Pumped the heads - sucking air no water. 06.00 started to sort it out. Closed intake seacock & took off hose between seacock & handpump. It was full with a long 'sausage' of really fibrous seaweed. Cleared it out and re-fitted. Tried the pump again - rats still sucking air. Got in the dinghy and tried to reach under the waterline to see if I could pull out the remaining weed. Too cold and too far down. Tried a long handled deck scrubber still no luck.
Decided to up anchor and return to my mooring where I hoped to swing a weight out on the boom out and try and carreen the weed off.
After I got under way tried the heads and bingo the weed had cleared from the intake !
Now I am paranoid about all the weed that is floating around in Portsmouth Harbour and the Solent at the moment.


New member
23 Jan 2003
Solent/south coast
Sorry for the thread-drift but if you see a poly bag floating in the marina can you fish it out. 10 seconds of thoughtfulness can save you or someone else a serious problem. I’m no saint but having had a poly bag blocking the engine seacock I will always make an effort to fish this sort of rubbish out of the drink.