New member
Reading Rosssavage's post about aircon reminded me of one of my future jobs - getting rid of the fridge heat. The problem is an obvious one (one of those lovely positive feedback loops) the fridge on my Moody dumps all it's heat into the saloon which is where the fridge is installed anyway. Come the summer (did I miss it?) the fridge works hardest and the saloon gets hot because of the waste heat from the fridge and the fridge works harder and we all get hotter. The best solution is to dump the heat into the sea but (a) I can't face any more plumbing, and (b) I don;t want to spend the money. The alternative is to conduct the heat from the fridge via an insulated duct to deck level and then out through a vent . . . Has anyone tried anything like this before and with what results?
btw - there's no reason in principle why rosssavage's idea would not work but as someone said the answer's in the detailed calcs - one very open rule of thumb is for every Watt of heat you want to move you need to feed the unit another Watt to move it. You then have 2W of energy to get rid of (please - I know this is very rough)
btw - there's no reason in principle why rosssavage's idea would not work but as someone said the answer's in the detailed calcs - one very open rule of thumb is for every Watt of heat you want to move you need to feed the unit another Watt to move it. You then have 2W of energy to get rid of (please - I know this is very rough)