New member
After a couple of days of broker visits, the doubts are creeping in. Not about the costs (tho' I try not to look at my calculations of running costs) or about our ability to sail the thing (we are confident of becoming only moderately dangerous to other water users...)
No, its about maintaining the boat. All you good folks on S'butt exude an image of competent practicality that scares me. Electrickery is a mystery to me (I thought a dry joint was a place where you couldn't buy alcohol), and carpentry is not much better (my old woodwork master called me a "wood-butcher"). As for that thing under the companionway steps that goes "chug-chug"......
I daren't look on the PBO forum. It seems full of posts like " Ah, yes, thats a known problem with the Omnibombulator MkV. Just release the queech valve - if it's tight a half inch naggler will do the job - and reverse the flow, then Robert is your avuncular relation". At least, I think thats what it said /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
So help me guys & gals -
a) Am I worrying needlessly, and the knowledge will seep into my brain by some form of osmosis?
b) Will I aquire a close relationship with the boatyard, and a less close relationship with my money?
c) Should I get my daughter to marry a diesel fitter?
d) Is stamp collecting a socially acceptable pastime instead?
No, its about maintaining the boat. All you good folks on S'butt exude an image of competent practicality that scares me. Electrickery is a mystery to me (I thought a dry joint was a place where you couldn't buy alcohol), and carpentry is not much better (my old woodwork master called me a "wood-butcher"). As for that thing under the companionway steps that goes "chug-chug"......
I daren't look on the PBO forum. It seems full of posts like " Ah, yes, thats a known problem with the Omnibombulator MkV. Just release the queech valve - if it's tight a half inch naggler will do the job - and reverse the flow, then Robert is your avuncular relation". At least, I think thats what it said /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
So help me guys & gals -
a) Am I worrying needlessly, and the knowledge will seep into my brain by some form of osmosis?
b) Will I aquire a close relationship with the boatyard, and a less close relationship with my money?
c) Should I get my daughter to marry a diesel fitter?
d) Is stamp collecting a socially acceptable pastime instead?