Generators-what's good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :-)


14 May 2006
Portishead, Bristol, UK
Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

Hi guys,

I thought I'd try tapping in the collective expertise here to answer a question that I'm finding difficult to get a definitive answer for locally!

We have to buy a new generator basically, something between 4-6kw and under £5k. I've looked at a Vetus GHS6.5 5Kw that fits so far as we've had a nice offer from one or two companies who supply those.

However we don't know really who's machines are good long term.
One mechanic said he wasn't so happy with Vetus for working on and recommended Mastervolt instead-however they appear to be way over budget for the same capacity.
We don't want to get another Onan as it seems their parts are extortionate in price.

So any recommendations? Favourites?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

There has been at least one story on here about a problem with a Vetus generator - so have a dig around for that. I've had both HFL and Onan generators which work fine. The Onan is a more widely known "name" I think.

Whats important when selecting a generator? I'd go for low reving (1500 rather than 3000rpm if you can, though not always possible at 5kva) to reduce noise and vibration. I'd pay very particular attention to the exhaust system with a decent muffler and a water separator (exhaust gas above the waterline, cooling water below so no trickle). My genny is very near silent outside of the boat compared to some I've heard and my old HFL one. Then look at ease of servicing.



14 May 2006
Portishead, Bristol, UK
Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

We've looked at 1500rpm genny's, however they add a right old premium to the cost. About £2000 more, which is an annoying hike-puts them outside budget by a long way.

Did you find Onan parts pricey? A starter motor for our old Onan was a crazy £600! Considering most car starter motors are well under £200 i figured this was a nuts price LOL.


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10 Nov 2002
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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

Agree with you on the price hike for 1500rpm, which is why I have a 3000rpm one /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Whilst you can hear it inside the boat though, its near silent outside which I am very pleased with.

In my experience spare prices are crazy for generators unless you can find a pattern part. Look at the problem Jez had with his...



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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

I have a fisher panda 4.5kva 3000 rpm one, totally fresh water cooled with heat exchanger, very happy with it and it gets well used! and well serviced!


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23 Jul 2006
Emsworth Hants
Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

>We've looked at 1500rpm genny's, however they add a right old premium to the cost.

The reason is 3,000 rpm generators have a design life of 400 to 600 hours, some make it to 1,000, very few beyond that and usually after expensive rebuilds. 1,500 generators are lifed to at least 8,000 hours. Depends how much you use the generator.

The yellow jersey for reliability (1,500's) out here is held by Northern Lights, closely followed by Westerbeke but they are more than your budget.


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9 Oct 2003
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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

My Fischer Panda, 1 year old now has been fine - so far. I am Hamble based and have been well looked after by the Fischer Panda people. My model is raw water cooled with a water separator. It comes with a huge built-in anode.
KellysEye comments on life span is all news to me. I researched the market hard before investing my hard-earned cash and never came across those figures. My likely problem will be under usage while still working but if I get 10 years out of it, that will do me fine.
Re noise factor, you can hear it inside the boat but it is easily acceptable, outside, very little at all. However, it seems that there are always people out there who hate the sound of a running generator, no matter how quiet it is. In consideration of all, I do try to keep running hours to the absolute minimum if parked near to other boats. To keep these down, I do recommend installing a hefty battery charger and if possible, a second switched immersion heater in the hot water tank so you get your charged batteries and hot water in the shortest time possible.
It is a fantastic investment, good luck


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

I've never heard the hours thing either. My genny windings shorted at 1800 hours, they were replaced, not cheap, but the engine, touch huge lumps of wood, has now done 2500 hours and is going strong, no smoke, great little genny, works quite hard in the summer, 3 hours every other day for 5 months. I service it myself and change the oil at twice the rate they say, (I'm used to classic motorbikes!) I also only use coolant, never water in there, inhibited coolant. New impellor every year. It's a small one, so needs it. General check over, off we go! Did have some problems with relays, until I bought fisher panda ones, higher heat rating.
I also have had monumental problems with a previous genny, but it was raw water cooled and had problems, with corrosion, then a massive oil leak, due to a stuck breather valve. Which was the end of it.


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23 Jul 2006
Emsworth Hants
Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

>KellysEye comments on life span is all news to me.

It's not something the 3,000 manufacturers mention for very obvious reasons. We found out about it when our 3,000 Dolphin died terminally at 550 hours. I went into the biggest generator dealer in Martinique and the place was littered with 'wrecked' 3,000 rpm generators, some with as few as one or two hundred hours and none over one thousand hours.

The manufacturers get away with it because most boats don't put many hours on their generator each year, so people don't come across the problem very often (it's the second or third owner who gets the problems). As a long distance cruising boat we would need to renew a 3,000 rpm generator every fourteen months or so, we went with a 1,500.


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Re: Generators-what\'s good? 4-6kw range, water cooled :)

<I'd pay very particular attention to the exhaust system with a decent muffler and a water separator (exhaust gas above the waterline, cooling water below so no trickle). My genny is very near silent outside of the boat compared to some I've heard and my old HFL one.>

I have an HLF genny - 180 hours in the clock - so half used according to Kelly. My problem is that the exhaust is so noisy. There was no room under the engine to install a water trap silencer, so the exhaust is just one long pipe, and far too noisy outside. Being 30mm, vetus have no muffler to fit. Can I insert a water trap at the stern of the boat at the swan neck? or will the back presure be too high. I am really worried that if too much water is left in the pipe then it could back flood into the cylinder when healed. The installers did put a coil of pipe under the genny, to give the pipe greater capacity. The exhaust does not run up the centre line of theboat, but follows the side of the hull - hence heeling may have dire consequences.