The question about fluid for compasses has been raised several times before. A search or two should turn it all up but really only the manufaturer or a specialist repairer can answer the question authoritatively.
Sirs Navigation is another firm who may be able to advise.
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SIRS Navigation can supply the compass oil but...... I enquired a couple of years ago about the oil to refil an old Sestral compass ½pint was more than enough to do the job but at £25~30 PLUS postage I decided to buy a new compass. The old sestral was dismantled, cleaned and being brass, polished on the outside and filled with clear lamp oil. It was mounted in a teak panel and now has center place on the shelves behind my bar. Makes a nice ornament especially when the internal light is on and the bar lights are low. So far the lamp oil does not seen to have affected the internal black paint (matt black cellulose) nor the plastic "card". Certainly check out SIRS but be prepared for a shock when they give you a price for the proper compass oil.
AquaMeter compasses tend to be sealed units the bubble can be removed but will return send the compass to us and we will have a look at what can be done.